Be prepared for [oncoming] calamity!

August 8, 2023 0

Yes, these messages have not only been for ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh)’s household but also for us!

Protect the religion of God; be sure God will protect you.

The most important message which is for all of us is:

Preserve your religion even in the worst conditions; God will definitely bless you.

“KarbalÄâ€Â  The bridge of Emergence

January 11, 2020 0

The rise of Imam Huṣayn (pbuh) wasn’t not limited in time and space.

As supporting ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh) meant fighting in the “battlefront of Karbala”, supporting Ḥojjat ibn al- Haá¹£an1 [ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)] is through taking part in the “soft war of knowledge and culture.”

Ä€shÅ«rÄii companions not only weren’t afraid of being wounded by swords and spears, but also they welcomed the martyrdom with smiles.

The Light of the Guidance

January 4, 2020 0

With his martyrdom,

Imam Huá¹£ayn (pbuh) disgraced Umayyad government. And this led to its destruction at last.

Likewise, by his emergence, ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr) will cause a disgrace in all of the oppressing government in the world.

The time QurʾÄn commemorates on the martyrs…

December 25, 2019 0

SaÊ¿d b. Ê¿Abd AllÄh said:

 [Once] Aḥmad b. IsḥÄq and I were sitting in the presence of ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbuh).

I had some questions, [but] the ImÄm stated, ‘Ask my dear [then he pointed to His Excellency MahdÄ« (mgehr)].

Al- Nafs al- Zakiyyah’s name and title

December 16, 2019 0

In one or two narrations, they named [Al- Nafs] “Muḥammad ibn al- Haá¹£anâ€. But because they are weak in terms of document, they aren’t reliable.

In most narrations, he wasn’t pointed to by his real name. He was just pointed to, by the title or kind of that. They are such as:

1-    Al- Nafs: This refers to the very Nafs al- Zakiyyah. 

Two strange reactions| Some news of Battle of KarbalÄ

December 16, 2019 0

When ImÄm Huá¹£ayne (pbuh) addressed Moslem ibn Aqil1’s children, “Moslem’s martyrdom is too much for your family! You had better go back to your houses.†Moslem’s children reacted, “Are we expected to tell the people, ‘We have left our ImÄm (pbuh), our leader and elder alone among the enemies. We didn’t defend him?! We swear by God; we will never do such a thing! May our lives and properties be sacrificed for you!â€â€™

The meaning of Al- Nafs al- Zakiyyah

December 8, 2019 0

Zakūt [literally] means purity, growth and evolution. Therefore, Zakiyyah probably has two meaning:

1-    Pure (which means, a person who hasn’t committed sin since her/ his birthday).

2-    A perfect person, learned and eminent.

To confirm the first meaning, SalmÄn narrated, “Be aware! A person with a pure and innocent Nafs [ego/soul] will come, who will be killed between Rukn and MaqÄm

The one who will revenge for Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s blood, will not exceed the [just] limit in slaying [of the enemies]

December 8, 2019 0

… And whoever is slain unjustly, we have indeed given to his heir authority, so let him not exceed the just limits in slaying; surely he is aided. (Holy QurʾÄn, Surah 17, Verse 33)

[In this regard], there is a ḤadÄ«th which reads: The [above] verse is about Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) and Imam ZamÄn (mgehr); the deceased is Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) and his avenger is Qa’im [Imam MahdÄ« (mgehr)].

Ä€shÅ«rÄii women; The women who look forward to the Emergence

December 8, 2019 0

When piety is the criterion of value, the gender isn’t main.

Its high time, we recall Siyaneh1 who was a stylist in Ferˈon’s castle. She was a martyr in the right path [Path of God] who will (Rajˈat2) return to the world after the emergence.

Historically, there have been the women who were bright. Of the most well- known and brilliant ones are: Their Excellencies Fatimah, Maryam, and Asiya (pbu th).

Sufyanī, After attacking Iraq   

December 1, 2019 0

According to an authentic hadith by ImÄm SadÄ«q (pbuh), ‘After SufyanÄ« occupies the safe zones [Damascus, Homs, Palestine, Chalcis ad Belum [in Halab]and Jordan], he will run for nine months…’ (Al- Ghaybah, TÅ«sÄ«, Ibid, 452)