The lessons of the children of Israel

September 18, 2024 0

The Prophet (PBUH)’s name is mentioned in Qur’an five times; once the name Aḥmad and four other times the name Muḥammad. Prophet Moses [pbuh]’s name has occurred 136 times in Qur’an. More than 900 verses of Qur’an are about the children of Israel without which, the subject of ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s emergence cannot be initiated. The noble prophet [of Islam] (pbuh) stated, “No lizard goes to a hole in the children of Israel unless it will happen to my nation as well.†(Muntakhab al-’Athar, p. 98)

One must know the nation of Israel, in order to learn Enemyology[1], because God has stated, “Surely You will find the most hostile of all people towards the faithful to be the Jews and the polytheists.†(Al-MÄ’idah 5:82)

The audible story of Imam Zaman’s honorable mother’s marriage

July 27, 2024 0

the ImÄm wrote a nice letter in Latin language and in Latin style handwriting. Then, he sealed it with his seal. He also took out a sack that was full of gold and had two hundred and twenty Ashrafi1. He stated, ‘Take this letter and gold, head to BaqdÄd. Then you should be present at such bridge on such day.

When the ships that carry the captives landed on the shore, you could see a crowd of bondmen. Also, a group of deputies of Bani AbbÄs’s Emirs and a few Arab young men will gather around them. All day long, you have to be on the lookout for the slaver named “Amroo ibn YazÄ«dâ€. You will wait until the time, he introduces the bondwoman who has such and such features… she will wear silk clothes.

There are two ways to reduce suffering: To choose some appropriate [meaningful] suffering, and to welcome the suffering which God considered for us  

July 10, 2024 0

One of the ways to reduce suffering is to choose some of the suffering ourselves! After accepting the philosophy of suffering, a wise individual will mention, “As I cannot get rid of suffering, I will choose some of them myself [and embrace it].†If we choose a positive and meaningful suffering, God will reduce our suffering two or more times; such as by giving alms/donations or so on. Although giving alms is a little suffering, poverty is making you suffer more!

The Solution for Divorce is Trust in Allah.

July 10, 2024 0

This verse tells us that love (not other attributes that we may think are love, but actual love), will come only after belief.  Interestingly this verse comes at the end of Surah Maryam and lady Maryam was the mother whose practices created for her a prophet son who brought love to the world and through this heart ability of his (Allah’s gift), was able to bring the dead to life with the permission of Allah. 

Why do half of marriages end in divorce?

July 10, 2024 0

When the youth are going to get married, we should advise them, “The marital life [marital life] includes suffering! And the philosophy behind it is, there must happen some disagreements among the wives and husbands, so that they can progress. Otherwise, why should these two opposite sexes (men and women who cannot easily understand each other), live together?

A moment to ponder!

December 1, 2023 0

On the eve of Ramadan 17th, Prophet [Muḥammad] (pbuh&h) went to the MiÊ¿rÄj. The next morning, Satan came to his present and said:

O, the Messenger of God (pbuh&h)! The last night when you went to the MiÊ¿rÄj, in the fourth heaven, there was a broken and burnt pulpit on the left side (Baitul Ma’mur) that fell inverted. Did you know that pulpit, and did you find out whose it was?