Our mind is [like] a flower bed.

August 20, 2017 0

It is to be planted flower in it.

And if not, there will grow weed.

Planting a rose,

isn’t easier than pruning weed!

We‘d better plant lots of flowers,

No to let weed grow!

Do you know what the dammed will Say and ؟

March 12, 2016 0

And some others will argue and fight with each other as,” You should bear part of our torment too! Since, you deviated and summoned us to evil actions…”, and their addressee will reply,” …. !Curse on you! You shouldn’t have been deviated4!
Here Satan will say,” I didn’t actually forced you to do evil actions! I just deceived you, then you responded5!”

just some lines by Zyanab ( pbuh)

December 15, 2015 0

“No God, but Allah” just some lines by Zyanab5( pbuh) the majesty
Tell a long story short…. Ah! What a grief!
Respect has died… Ah! What a grief!
Harmala5 just missed to 1 arrow to throw … Ah! What a grief!

The most important features of the people who look forward to the Emergence

August 26, 2016 0

Professor Panāhān: The most important features of the people who look forward to the Emergence…

Some of our society problems are in a way that, if they are solved, we will be much closer to the ideal situation.

And this is our lord1’ s good news to Shaykh Al-Mufid in his honorable letter ,”

If our Shiites- that God promotes them in worshipping-

Good for the ones who do …

December 15, 2015 0

Good for the ones who do all of these in Muharram4:
Beat the chest
Pour out grief from their hearts,
Walk in barefoot,

My eyes sunk rain, because of missing you.

June 5, 2017 0

My eyes sunk rain, because of missing you.

An obsolete lover cries so soon.

Just you can heal this incurable disease.

My pain is treated with a kiss on your feet.

Good for a servant who is pure and simple!