About the Marriage of MohammadRezaShah and Fouzieh

June 8, 2017 0

Espousal in Cairo (Egypt), Wedding in Tehran (Iran)
RezaShah (father of MohammadReza) order to paint all villager houses in white color in the railway course untill the course of Fouzieh and her family be reconstructed and trimed.

Someone has written these words:

May 23, 2016 0

Jewish people pray for the health of all people on Saturdays.

Christians wish happiness for all human beings on Sundays.

Zoroastrians wish love and goodness for everyone on Mondays.

Buddhists also pray for global peace every Thursday.

But Iranians wish destruction for half of the world in their Friday Prayers.

Nobody has ever asked me

May 30, 2016 0

,” Why are you still sitting when you here that beautiful name[ imam Zaman’s] which reminds uprising.

And many a times I heard your name and didn’t move!

They haven’t taught me before, to stand up when hearing your name

When imam Sadiq(pbuh) would stand up when hearing your beautiful name

Hi! I extracted my wisdom teeth!

June 5, 2017 0

Hi! I extracted my wisdom teeth!

I have a bad toothache.

And have a bad headache, earache, and a painful temple!

I have been restless, since Friday that I have felt painful!

I can’t eat and sleep.

I have tried a lot to get relax and recover, but it was useless!

Thank for what you have given

June 5, 2017 0

[ I m expected to]Think [about the reason of] whatever you haven’t given to me

Whatever you have taken from me, that is reminder

As, your affluence is of blessing

And your refusing is of wisdom

I thought he was befuddled …

May 30, 2016 0

I thought he was befuddled, when he was coming afar! But I got he was crazy when came near me. He was looking around himself and murmuring something.

For justification of his uncommon behaviors, I said to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh &h), “He is crazy.”