Shi’a belief:
By referring to the books of Shi’a Mutakallim 1, it will be possible to find out the philosophy of Imamate [Here we mean, the duties of the ImÄm].
1-Preserving social system of Muslims (Allamah Ḥillī (1405), 8; 1).
2-Establishin social justice (Ibid. 2).
3-Performing social tasks (Ibid. 7; 3).
4- Implementation of divine limits (Ibid. 8; 4).
5-Protecting the religion (Himmaá¹£i, BÄ«ta, Vol.2, P. 261; 5).
6-Explaining the details of Sharia (Ibid. 256; 6).
Also, Allamah TabÄtabÄ’i believed that, the ImÄm’s responsibilities are divided into three parts:
1-The ImÄm’s responsibilities in leadership and governance of the Islamic society.
2- The ImÄm’s responsibilities in expressing Islamic teachings and laws.
3- Imam’s responsibility in leading and guiding the people to have spiritual lives.
In this regard, Sayyid Muḥammad Ṣadr wrote:
According to IslÄmic taught, the ImÄm’s duty at the Emergence time is divided into some parts; provided that there will not be bans:
1-Â Â Â Taking the responsibility of leading and ruling the government; in a way that, he will perform the inclusive and perfect plan of IslÄmic justice on the earth. Also, he will lead the society in the supreme form of leading.
2-Â Â Â Inviting [people] to Islam, i.e. not to let the society be mingled with disbelief though fight, peace and so on.
3-Â Â Â Guarding Islamic society against foreign wars, and defending the privacy Islam though sacrificing lives and properties.
4-Â Â Â Protecting Islamic society against deviation, corruption spread, and destruction of opinion and behaviors by [his] proper guidance, enjoining good and forbidding evil, and propagation of Islamic studies.
~. ~ Those 4 duties are not only obligatory for the ImÄm, but for all people.
5-Reaching out to the miserable and oppressed, and aiding to the afflicted.
~. ~ That one is also a common duty, not just belonged to the ImÄm. All Muslims are to perform it (Sadr, 1383, pp. 45- 46).
*It is called to the Muslim scholastic theologian who is adherent of KalÄm. And the Arabic term KalÄm means “speech, word, utterance†among other things. A scholar of KalÄm is referred to as a Mutakallim.
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