ツTwo Kirト[ahs Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr) after the Emergence

1_Talking to a bird

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Facing the twelfth Imト[ (mGehr), Sayyid 盧、asanトォ, will ask, 窶廛o you have a reason, a miracle [it refers to Kirト[ahs] or a sign? There, the Imト[ (mGehr) looks at the sky, points to a bird which sits on his hand, speaks with the power of God and testifies to the Imamate of the Imト[!


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2_ The white cloud over the Imト[ (mGehr)窶冱 head

And the successor of Mu盧・ammad (pbuh&h), will emerge in the Last Era, with a white cloud over his head, that shades him from the sun. It calls out with an eloquent tongue that will be heard by the heavy and the weak people.



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