Supply and demand

Professor: Āyatullāh Nasserī

Supply is dependent on demand. All the religions around the world believe that a world peacemaker or a divine individual will come in the last era. However, this event depends on your demand.

I just recite “O’ ibn al- Haṣan (mgehr)!”. We get together in religious gatherings, and we even express our grief by beating our breasts, but this type of reciting “O’ ibn al- Haṣan (mgehr)” is superficial! I just repeat it over and over; it hasn’t been engraved on our hearts. If it had, we would have been obedient and submissive.

How many people had attended Ḥajjat al-Wadā1 of Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh&h)? eighty thousand? Less? More? One hundred and twenty thousand? How long did it take after the Prophet (pbuh&h)? How long did it take from Ḥajjat al-Wadā until the martyrdom or the decease of the Prophet (pbuh&h)? Was it his last year? How long did it take? It took five or six months at most. How many of those one hundred and twenty thousand people, less or more, swore allegiance with His Majesty [ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (pbuh)] in his present, kept their allegiance after the martyrdom of Prophet (pbuh&h)? Weren’t they Muslims? Didn’t they swear allegiance with Amir al-Mu’minin (pbuh)? So, what happened? They hadn’t been purged. They had an apparent faith. But what if we have an apparent faith too?

There are two kinds of faith; a firm faith and an unstable faith. If a helper has an unstable faith, s/he will lose his/her faith; even if s/he has prayed, fastened, or had a speech in a religious gathering for ages. Therefore, all of these deeds are worth nothing. So, with an unstable faith, one will lose faith by skepticism and will be deceived.

For instance, there have been many scholars ordered to murder Imām Ḥusayn (pbuh). See? Even scholars. But they had an unstable faith, not a firm faith.

We should pray to God and ask him to give us firm faith.

It has been advised in many narrations to mention that Dhikr2 after the prayer: “یا الله، یا رحمن ُیا رحیم یا مُقَّلِبَ القُلوب ثَّبِّت قَلبی عَلی دینِک.”

Meaning: “O’ Allāh! O’ the one who is Compassionate and Merciful. O’ the one who turns hearts. Then, firm my heart on your religion”

You ought to insist on reading that Dhikr. If all of us have willing for His Majesty’s Emergence, he will come by the attention of God. God is not jealous, so he will gift us (His Emergence). However, the supply should meet the demands.



1.      It refers to the only Hajj pilgrimage that Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh&h) performed in the Islamic year 10 AH, following Hijrah.

2.       Dhikr:  it is mentioning something or someone by the heart and by the tongue and in religious terminology, it refers to remembering God.

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