Solutions to Save the Religion in the Last Era

Professor: Mahmoudi

“I want to help the Emergence, I want to do something for the Emergence, I want to be present at that time and live thenâ€. So, what is the first thing to do for me, who wants to do something for Mahdism?

I should hold my faith firmly. Firstly, let’s see when would be the Last Era. Is it right now? Anyway, let’s first describe the characteristics of the Last Era, then we will continue the discussion.

First; ImÄm al-á¹¢Ädiq (pbuh) stated, ‘It (The Last Era) is when you see the oppression has filled everywhere’. Note that by “everywhere†it does not mean just Iran, rather, it is about the entire world, including Iran.

Second; QurʾÄn will look [apparently] worn-out. Also, false innovation will enter the concepts of QurʾÄn by temptation.

Third, men will be satisfied with men and women with women[1]. Again, it is not just about Iran, however, these have happened in Iran too. So, have a world view.

The younger people do not respect their elders. Attention that, these have been stated by ImÄm al-á¹¢Ädiq (pbuh); the one who is connected to waḥy[2]. Now, see if these have happened or not. Moreover, family ties will be cut off. “Who cares about relatives?â€, “I have nothing to do with poor peopleâ€.

Flattery and adulation will be increased in organizations and governments. People drink wine openly. What is Halal[3] will become ḤarÄm[4] and ḤarÄm becomes permissible. Bribery will be common among government employees. Well, these have been stated by ImÄm al-á¹¢Ädiq (pbuh), not by me.

Mosques will be adorned with decorations. They will be decorated with gold and tile-working, but there is no guidance within them. Musical instruments[5] will be increased, even in Mecca and Medina, where Ka’ba is placed; as already there is too much. If someone enjoins people to do good, people tell him/her that “It is not your businessâ€, or “Who are you? You are not involved with itâ€.

At this time, everything people do is to fill their stomachs and satisfy their lust indeed; one will spend much of their property in the way of other than God, but when it comes to the way of God, they will say, ‘I don’t have [money]’, and refuse to pay.’

After that, ImÄm al-á¹¢Ädiq (pbuh) stated, ‘At this time, take care of yourself and ask God to save and free you from that awkward situation. Because the Emergence is soon to happen.’ In my opinion, these are all about the time we are living now. Haven’t all signs already happened?

He kept on, ‘Being religious is so difficult at that time’.

It doesn’t mean it is impossible, but it is hard. So I want to help the Emergence, I want to do something for the Emergence, I want to be present at that time and live then. There, what is the first thing to do by me, who want to do something for Mahdaviiat?

[Answer:] I should hold my faith firmly.

We are going to present ten ways, God willing. Those ways protect not only your religion, but also help you to get several steps closer to ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr). Again, they protect not only your religion, but also make your life beautiful and gifts blessing and mercy to your life.

1-    The first way, is the notion of get to know the ImÄm (mGehr). Yes, I told you the type; it’s the insight/ heart knowledge.

2-     Having courtesy/ be polite.

3-    The third factor to have happy ending, is be virtuous; committing sin cuts the relation [with God]. It is a definite reality! There is just one way to stop committing sin; as in QurʾÄn, God stated:

[Surah ˈAnkabut, verse 45]

Ø¥ÙÙ†ÙŽÙ‘ الصَّلاةَ تَنْهى†عَن٠الْÙَحْشاء٠وَ الْمÙنْکَر

… surely prayer keeps (one) away from indecency and evil, …

4-    The fourth factor to have happy ending and protect the religion, is saying prayers. Saying prayers by the ImÄm (mGehr)’s companions has six or seven characteristics. Yes, if you follow them in your life, your material life will change, what about your spiritual life. [Those are as follows:]

5-    avoid earning livelihood through the illegitimate/ Haram ways.

6-    And what is the sixth way to protect religion in The Last Era? Yes, its read “Faraj†Du’a’.

Ayatollah Bahjat said:

Praying for “The hastening of ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)’s emergenceâ€, is the healing of our pains!

Based on a narration, all people will be perished [spiritually] in The Last Era, except the ones who read the Faraj prayer.

Yet, this should be consistent.

Ä€yatullÄh Bahjat (mGbhs)’s professor, Ä€yatullÄh QÄzi (mGbhs) said:

Of those things which are very necessary and important, is praying for the emergence of His Excellency Ḥujjat [ImÄm ZamÄn] (mGehr)!

Recite it in The Night Prayer Ghunuts[6], all Daily Prayers Ghunuts, and forever! You pray for five times, gift two Ghunuts of them to ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)! While reciting it, care for the expression “اللَّهÙÙ…ÙŽÙ‘ ÙƒÙنْ Ù„ÙÙˆÙŽÙ„ÙÛŒÙّكَâ€:

O Allah, be, for your representative (mGehr), a guardian…

Then you will see your prayer gets MahdavÄ« smell and color [special sweet smelling of the ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)].

And something more, whom do you have in your mind, when you are reciting your Tasbihat Arba’ah?! Now, how does ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr) recite Tasbihat Arba’ah? Again, who do you gift your good deed to, after saying prayers, to ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)?

In this way, you see, our lives will have the [nice] odor and color of ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr). will not they?

We will feel the ImÄm in our hearts!


1.      It refers to the contagion of homosexuality.

2.     Waḥy: a spiritual unknown connection between a prophet and the unseen world, in which a divine message is conveyed to that prophet.

3.     Permissible deeds and foods in Islam.

4.     In Islamic jurisprudence, ḤarÄm is an action that people were asked to avoid it, and who commits ḤarÄm is a sinner.

5.    It usually refers to some kind of musical instrument.

6.   Ghunut is a supplication recited immediately before or after Rukūʿ`. It is permissible to recite the Ghunut aloud in any of the five daily Prayers at those times when Muslims are faced with calamities.

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