seven characteristics, which no-one has except us!

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & H) stated to his daughter FÄá¹­imah (PBUH):

God has granted us [the Prophet and Ahl al Bayt (pbu th)] seven characteristics, which he didn’t grant and will not to no one before us!

I am the last of the prophets (pbu th) and the most honorable of them to God. And I am the most beloved creature to God, I am your father, and my successor is the best of successors. And [also] he is the most beloved successor to God. He is your husband. Moreover, our martyr is the best of martyrs, and the most beloved of them to God; and he “Hamzah†is the uncle [on the father side] of your father and your husband. Also, he is one of us; the one whom God has given him two wings to fly with angels in heaven. And he[JaÊ¿far ibn AbÄ« ṬÄlib] is your father’s and your cousine, and your husband’s brother.

And these two grandsons of the Ummah belong to us. And they are your two sons; Ḥasan (pbuh) and Ḥusayn (pbuh). They are the best youths of heaven. By God who has sent me rightfully, their father [ImÄm AlÄ« (pbuh)] is better than them.

O’ FÄá¹­imah (pbuh)! By God who has sent me rightfully, MahdÄ« (The Guider (mgehr)] of this Ummah, will come from [the descends] of Ḥasan (pbuh) and Ḥusayn (pbuh). He will emerge in a time, when the world is full of chaos, and the nuisances will be appeared, the roads will be closed and people will plunder one another.

There, neither an old will have mercy on a child, nor a child will respect an old. At that time, God will raise someone from their [the ImÄms (pbu th)] descends who will collapse the fortresses of misguidance, and will conquer the hearts which are unaware of the right. There, he will rise for God’s religion in The Last Era, like what I did. He will fill the earth with justice when I will have been full of oppression and cruelty.

O’ FÄá¹­imah (pbuh)! Do not grieve and do not cry; since the Almighty God is more merciful and kinder to you than me. It is because of the dignity you have to me, and your affection in my heart. God has married you to the one who has the greatest lineage and the most honorable position. And he is the most merciful people to the peasants, the most just people to divide equally, and the most perspicacious in the divine tasks. I asked God, that you will be first one among my Ahl Bayt, to join me [to pass away after me, and join me in heaven].

And His Majesty AlÄ« (pbuh) stated that,  “FÄá¹­imah (pbuh) lived just 75 days after His Majesty the Messenger of God (pbuh&h)’s death, then she joined her father’.

The Author [‘Allama Majlisi] said, “The Messenger of God (pbuh&h) attributed the Excellency MahdÄ« (mgehr) to both ImÄm Ḥasan (pbuh) and ImÄm Ḥusayn (pbuh). It is because on the maternal side, he is of His Majesty ImÄm Ḥasan (pbuh)’s descents.

That is because, the mother of His Majesty ImÄm Muḥammad BaqÄ«r (pbuh) was ImÄm Ḥasan (pbuh)’s daughter. And it has been narrated in several other AḥÄdÄ«th that he, one of ImÄm Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s descendents [on the father’s side].

Also, DÄraquá¹­nÄ« who was of famous none- Shia MuḥaddithÅ«n, narrated that long ḤadÄ«th from Saʽid al- -KhudrÄ«. And at the end, he added that His Majesty [The Messenger of God (pbuh&h)] stated, “MahdÄ« [(The Guider (mgehr)] is of this Ummah is one of us, and Isa [Jesus The Christ (pbuh)] will pray behind himâ€

Then he laid his hand on ImÄm Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s shoulder and stated, “MahdÄ« of this Ummah, will come from him [descendant]”.â€

Moreover, Abu Nu`aym has narrated from Huzaifah and AbÅ« ImÄmeh BÄhelÄ« that MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s face  is like a shinning star. There is a “Balck face spot†on his right cheek.

And ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Awf narrated narrated that, there is a gap between his teeth.

According to Ê¿AbdullÄh ibn ‘Umar’s narration , a cloud will cast its shadow over his head. And an angel will call out over his head, “He is MahdÄ« (mgehr) and the caliph of God! So follow himâ€. And based on a narration from JÄbir b. Ê¿AbdullÄh al-AnsÄrÄ« and AbÅ« SaÊ¿Ä«d, Isa [(pbuh)] will pray behind The Excellency MahdÄ« (mgehr).

To be continued …