What will Sufyanī do, after the Battle of Qirq?

December 1, 2019 0

He will send two different armies to Median and Iraq, coincidently! Well, ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s governing station is of special importance for him. Hence, he will rush into Shia- inhabited cities of KÅ«fah, and his huge attacks will strike the people!

Of the educational corruptions in The Last Era

October 22, 2019 0

[Many] people’s concern is their bellies and passions. Yet, they don’t care how they earn livelihood [is it legit or not], and how to calm the passion! They care about colorful foods and drinks. And they have got used to be proud of their clothes and ranks! They make firm and beautiful palaces, [but they] teach each other the absurd lessons!

Of the corruptions, in The Last Era are:

October 9, 2019 0

1-    Oppression will be extreme; the oppressor will be bloodthirsty like injurious wolves. Also homicide will increase! Some will kill others because of enmity.

Some will gather together to disperse [the people], and will be divided into sections to destroy unity. 

They will be so busy in dispersion, opposition and rebellion that their children and generation will become sinners and do forbidden things!

The Divine Call (In Sunnīs’ point of view)

September 28, 2019 0

Sunnīs believe there are two Calls [As the sign of The Emergence]:

1-    A not vocal sound: there will be a sound on the half Ramaá¸Än which is strong as a thunder. But as it will be without any voice, they advise [the people] to close your eras avoid listening to it!

September 24, 2019 0

Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.

Abu Basire1 has narrated from ImÄm SadÄ«q (pbuh), that His Excellency stated:

The young companions

September 7, 2019 0

ˈAbbas ibn Ê¿AlÄ« (pbuh): [He was] a young very courageous flag- bearer and pioneer of ImÄm Huá¹£ayne (pbuh). He was 34 at the martyr time, […]

What is Sufyanī ’s religion?

August 21, 2019 0

There are various narrations about Sufyanī ’s religion. But as they aren’t documentarily reliable enough, we cannot come to a definite view about Sufyanī ’s religion. Yet, it is definite that he is in severe bias and enmity with Shiites, in his religious tendencies.