Requesting and seeking help from ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)

July 27, 2024 0

AbÄ« Ḥamzah narrated from His Excellency KhÄdim (pbuh), that he stated, ‘All the angels who are sent by God to earth, for some affairs visit the ImÄm [ZamÄn (mGehr)], at first. Then, they present our deeds to the Sir. In fact, he [SÄhib al Amr (mGehr)]. is the cause of commuting angels from The Almighty God to him.

Introducing one of the factors of children’s bad behavior

July 27, 2024 0

One of the factors of children’s bad behavior in the present societies is that “They often don’t experience the hardships of ordinary life!†Hence, when they face a problem in their lives, afterward, they wonder, “Why has this problem happened?!†That is, they don’t expect any problem to happen!

Some schools in Canada take the children to the forest, from the morning to the evening, to experience the hardships of living in the forest! There, experiencing those difficult situations, the children are taught whatever the teachers have intended.

Convenience shouldn’t be destroyed; It should be controlled and managed

July 10, 2024 0

Seeking comfort [convenience] is of the nature of humans. But, it can be in an extreme state, transforming, and leads humans to fall. We are not supposed to destroy seeking comfort in ourselves; instead, we should control and manage it. This doesn’t mean to remove all the comforts! On the contrary, we are supposed to provide ourselves with comforts and convenience.

While ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)’s Hujjah [Mahdaviiat] was clear, why did some Shiites consider “Nafs al- Zakiyyah1†or “Muḥammad ibn Hanafiyyah†as ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)?!

July 10, 2024 0

Although in some AḥÄdÄ«th which are about ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)’s rise, by the Messenger of God (pbuh&h) and his Ahl al Bayt (pbu th), it has been clarified that he is definitely the son of 11th ImÄm “AskarÄ« (pbuh)â€, because the people knew all Ahl al Bayt (pbu th) as “The best guide for people†and “Guided By Godâ€; therefore, facing cruelty and violation, they took refuge to one of them as “ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)†[It was a sort of psychological need to a divine ImÄm]. They would also take some other people with themselves.

How can we avoid the fate which has been ordered to the angels to carry out?

July 10, 2024 0

When the fates and destinies of humans are determined by God, He orders the angels in order to carry out them [the fates and destinies]. For example, God orders His Excellency Azrael, “Take the soul of such person at such time!â€

[In this regard,] ImÄm á¹¢Ädiq (pbuh) states, “Even if people’s faiths are ordered from the heavens to the angels, praying can stop its being carried out!

Some KirÄmahs by ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)

July 10, 2024 0

Once, I went to the area “Askar†in Samarra to visit ImÄm AÅŸr (mGehr). I didn’t introduce myself to anyone and didn’t speak with my intention with anyone. But all of a sudden, an individual came to me and ordered, “Stand up!†I wondered, “Where are we going?!†He replied, “To our house!†I expressed, “I suppose, you have mistaken me for someone else. [Tell me,] what is my name?!

How does His Excellency [Mahdī (mGehr)] get food, clothes and inhabitance and what are them?

July 10, 2024 0

Since we don’t have any narration related to this point, we suppose the Excellency’s food, clothes and inhabitance are natural and usual. It’s because, based on divine tradition, the world of creation has fixed usual laws, except some occasions.

Therefore, the ImÄm (mGehr) has a normal body and uses ordinary food, too. Although, God sometimes sends a heavenly gift to the Excellency, as it was granted to Her Excellency Mary (pbuh) and others.

Calamities and Reading prayers

May 30, 2024 0

Once, ImÄm á¹¢Ädiq (pbuh) stated to his companions, ‘Can you recognize whether the disaster you suffer, will last long or not?’ The companions said, ‘No!’ The ImÄm reacted, ‘whenever reading is inspired [and you perform it] to each of you, it means the disaster doesn’t last [and it will be]!’   (KÄfÄ«, Vol. 2, P. 470)

2-    Why are the healthy people expected to read prayers as the sick people?