Hadiths of the Imams

April 5, 2020 0

What you are expected to do Imam Sadiq( pbuh) said: I don’t like to see any youth among you [the Shiites], but of 2 types: […]

Have we ever had any divine call in the past?

January 4, 2020 1

When His Excellency Ê¿AlÄ« (pbuh) showed those brevities and sacrifices in in the Battle of Uhud1, Gabriel called,”الاسی٠الّا دوالÙقار، ولا Ùتی الّا علی”2 And the people who were present, heard it from the sky…

Zayd ibn Wahab3 told Ibn Masūd4, ‘ʿAlī resistance in Uhud was the matter of marvel!’

Ibn Masud reacted, ‘You are not the only one who wonders! Even the other angels were verily marveled! Haven’t you heard that while he was ascending to sky, Gabriel called, “الاسی٠الّا دوالÙقار، ولا Ùتی الّا علی?!

M like Mother!

January 4, 2020 0

Although there is not any available, and clearly explicit biography of ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s mother, based on the well- known assumption_ from some narrations_ she played the role of a slave who had been captured in the war, in order to join ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbuh)’s respected family at last. [It had been planned before, by ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbuh)’s father; ImÄm HÄdÄ« (pbuh) in order to save her. Then she married ImÄm AskarÄ«, as she had dreamt it in a heavenly dream.]

The Light of the Guidance

January 4, 2020 0

With his martyrdom,

Imam Huá¹£ayn (pbuh) disgraced Umayyad government. And this led to its destruction at last.

Likewise, by his emergence, ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr) will cause a disgrace in all of the oppressing government in the world.

The objective of Nafs al- Zakiyyah

December 25, 2019 0

There isn’t any valid account of “The goal of Nafs al- Zakiyyah by his activities which will lead him to martyrdomâ€! Therefore, the following cases aren’t conclusive:

1-    He will be sent to Mecca by ImÄm al -ˈAsre [ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)], in order to give ultimatum1. So, they won’t later have any excuse not to help the ImÄm (mgehr).

Al- Nafs al- Zakiyyah’s name and title

December 16, 2019 0

In one or two narrations, they named [Al- Nafs] “Muḥammad ibn al- Haá¹£anâ€. But because they are weak in terms of document, they aren’t reliable.

In most narrations, he wasn’t pointed to by his real name. He was just pointed to, by the title or kind of that. They are such as:

1-    Al- Nafs: This refers to the very Nafs al- Zakiyyah. 

The meaning of Al- Nafs al- Zakiyyah

December 8, 2019 0

Zakūt [literally] means purity, growth and evolution. Therefore, Zakiyyah probably has two meaning:

1-    Pure (which means, a person who hasn’t committed sin since her/ his birthday).

2-    A perfect person, learned and eminent.

To confirm the first meaning, SalmÄn narrated, “Be aware! A person with a pure and innocent Nafs [ego/soul] will come, who will be killed between Rukn and MaqÄm

The one who will revenge for Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s blood, will not exceed the [just] limit in slaying [of the enemies]

December 8, 2019 0

… And whoever is slain unjustly, we have indeed given to his heir authority, so let him not exceed the just limits in slaying; surely he is aided. (Holy QurʾÄn, Surah 17, Verse 33)

[In this regard], there is a ḤadÄ«th which reads: The [above] verse is about Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) and Imam ZamÄn (mgehr); the deceased is Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) and his avenger is Qa’im [Imam MahdÄ« (mgehr)].

Of the educational corruptions in The Last Era

October 22, 2019 0

[Many] people’s concern is their bellies and passions. Yet, they don’t care how they earn livelihood [is it legit or not], and how to calm the passion! They care about colorful foods and drinks. And they have got used to be proud of their clothes and ranks! They make firm and beautiful palaces, [but they] teach each other the absurd lessons!