The words of the [infallible Shia] Imams and the scholars about Imト[ Mahdトォ

~* Imト[ Rトォ盧溝 (pbuh), 窶廛o not forget to smell Narcissus flower, because smelling it will prevent getting cold in winter.窶

~* Ayatollah Shushtari (mGbh) said:

I asked ‘Allト[ah Tabataba’i if it is possible to visit His Excellency [Sト”ib al- Zamト] (mgehr)] or no?! He returned, 窶郎es, but on three conditions: Being completely pious, feeling a great love [to the Imト[ (mGehr)], and being persistent in reciting Zトォyト〉a トl Yト《トォn (the long version).窶 (Gham-e Eshgh, P. 90)

~* ‘Allト[ah Hasanzト‥eh トmoli (mGbh) said, 窶廱ust listen to the supreme leader (Ayatollah Khamenei), since he just listens to 盧、ujjat ibn al-Ha盪」an [Imト[ Mahdトォ (mGehr)].窶

~*トyatullト” Bahjat (mGbh) said, 窶廬f we also try and struggle our best in guiding the people, is it possible not to be paid attention by 窶廣yn Allah Nazirah窶 1; Imト[ Zamト]?!窶 [It means, we will be paid attention, in this way]



1-ツツツツ God’s eye [the Imト[] who is observing people.

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