The ways to have relation and spiritual connection with Walī Asr (mGehr) in the Occultation Era

1-    To attempt, in order to get to know Walī Asr (mGehr).

To have relation with the ImÄm, one needs to have true knowledge about him.

2-    To express the heartfelt affection to Walī Asr (mGehr).

ImÄm SÄdiq (pbuh) stated, “Whoever composes a poem about us [Ahl al Bayt], God provides a house for them in the heaven.

3-    To persuade people to love their Walī Asr (mGehr).

Holding religious sessions, especially for His Excellency ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh) is one of the ways to attract the attention/ persuade people love their WalÄ« Asr.

4-    To open up and request him to fulfill wishes.

The prophet stated, “my Ahl al Bayt are like Noah ‘s ship! Whoever gets it on, will be saved. And the ones who leave it, will be drowned.

5-    To help Walī Asr (mGehr).

6-    To pilgrimage Walī Asr (mGehr).

7-    To pray for Walī Asr (mGehr)’s health and emergence.

8-    To send regard and recite SalawÄt on WalÄ« Asr (mGehr).

9-    To give gifts to Walī Asr (mGehr).

10-To give alms with the intention of Walī Asr (mGehr)’s health.

~~*~~ It is also offered to have a daily schedule to connect with him.

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