The blessing:ツTo be with Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr)

O, fellows! I swear to God; we don窶冲 know value the blessing of being with the Imト[, because we haven窶冲 experienced it! We haven窶冲 experienced the sweetness of a look by Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr). So, we usually don窶冲 die for him!!

May God have mercy on the late Ayatollah Mujtahedトォ. [Once] he narrated a story from an old shoemaker named 窶廣bdul Karim Kaffト《h窶. [it is mentioned in the following lines:]

Abdul Karトォm Kaffト《h was such a person who cried for Sayyid al Shuhadト [Imト[ Hu盪」ayn (pbuh)] forty days; both in the morning and evenings. It was with the intention of visiting Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr). Yes, his wish was fulfilled. He explained, 窶楼nce a week, the Imト[ would come to the shoe booth; he would sit down, talk to him for a few minutes, and visit and then the honorable Imト[ would depart.

Once the Excellency asked him, 窶連bdul Karim, we are coming to visit you every week. What if we do not come to visit you for a week? He reacted, 窶魯o not talk about it, I will languish!窶

[Do you know why?] It is because, he experienced the sweetness of socializing with the Imト[, but we haven窶冲. We do not know at all, what a blessing this is! We do not realize its value at all! Let me give you some examples: We have a thousand kinds of unnecessary worldly desires! But how many times are we ready to go to Imト[ Ri盧再 (pbuh)窶冱 shrine to appeal to him for the sake of the world?

Yes, we have a thousand kinds of unnecessary worldly desires! How many times did we go to Imト[ Ri盧再 (pbuh)窶 shrine to ask him to tie our knots and do not take me out of his shrine?

Why haven窶冲 we done our responsibility [toward our Imト[s (pbu th)]?

But why don窶冲 we know their worth?!

Because we do not know its value, we do not realize its value at all!

O, Sir [Imam Zamト] (mgehr)]! ツMany times we have decided to present God, 窶狼hank God, that we live in the time of Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr)!窶

But we haven窶冲 managed to! Do you know why? It窶冱 because we do not know at all how sweet is being with Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr)!

Sadトォr Sirafi narrated:


[Once] I went to the door of Imト[ 盪「ト‥iq (pbuh)窶冱 house, but I heard him shouting loudly,

リウロ鈷ッロ リコロ鈷ィリェレゥ ルルリェ リアルぺァリッロ ル リカロ雇ぺェ リケルロ ルルリァリッロ鈷

窶楼, my Sayyid! Your Occultation made me sleepless! And made me suffer my sleep bed!

I said to myself, 窶聾ho is Imト[ 盪「ト‥iq (pbuh) calling 窶廩ujjat [proof] of God窶 telling?!窶 But I saw no one there, and the Excellency窶冱 eyes was welled up with tears! I wondered, 窶楼, Sir! For whom [are you crying?!] He replied, 窶楼ur descendant who comes in the future and will have an Occultation.窶

Imト[ 盪「ト‥iq (pbuh) realized who Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr)is, as he stated,

: ルル勺異 リ」ル借ッル坪アル尺ゥル坪ェル詔ル ルル借ョル借ッル勺ル坪ェル詔ル リ」ル杓鈷ァルル リュル杓鈷ァリェル摂

If I visit him in my lifetime, I will serve him.

Well, we are breathing in the time of Imト[ al-Zaman (mgehr), but we are not looking for him! We are not thankful for his blessings, nor we realize [the truth of] Du窶兮 al Faraj [praying for his departure]! Because we haven窶冲 experienced the sweetness!

Now, let’s have a [common] intention to pray for Imト[ al-Zaman (mgehr). Let窶冱 hope, if Imト[ al-Zaman (mgehr) takes a look at us at night, he will state, 窶狼here are Twenty million people praying for me!窶

We ought to at least, pray for him since today; in order for us to be helped by him. is to pray from today.


Professor: 盧、ujjat al-Islト[ Mu盧・ammad Mahdトォ Memariト]

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