The lifestyle for looking forward to the Emergence

June 8, 2023 0

  They are creatures, so they are needy and weak.
They have two main aspects: mental and physical.
Human’s souls and bodies are affected by each other.
Human souls are eternal.
They are the noblest of creatures and have intrinsic and acquired dignity so that they can be superior to the angels.

You need to endure toil [to make yourself perfect]!

June 6, 2023 0

The path of ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh)* is as easy and available as going down the stairs; you can’t imagine how things went well!

The path of ImÄm ZamÄn**is vice versa! It’s as if, you are going uphill but you see there is a lot of gravel! Well, you will find a van [Satan], moving in front of you and shoveling gravel at your feet! The sand [or gravel] is starting to slip under your feet.

Observing the devil !!

June 6, 2023 0

Iblis really observes the movements in this world. He observes the steps that believers go through to attend in the Emergence Era; It’s not like he is not aware of what’s happening in this world.

O, God! We don’t like this life!

May 14, 2023 0

It connotes that, repent, go and repent! Ask God for forgiveness! O, God, we don’t like this life [the life which is passed, doing sins]! O, God, we don’t like this style of life! O, God, we don’t like these views, audible things, edible things, these jobs. [O, God, we don’t like] being so much idle and weak! 

The blessing: To be with ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)

May 14, 2023 0

O, fellows! I swear to God; we don’t know value the blessing of being with the ImÄm, because we haven’t experienced it! We haven’t experienced the sweetness of a look by ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr). So, we usually don’t die for him!!

The goodness of the Last Era

February 2, 2023 0

When wickedness increases in the Last Era; well, you can say that goodness also increases. It is foolish that an individual just sees one side of a fact, and leaves the other side. Rather, it is wise to see both sides.

  People’s rights upon His Excellency (SÄhib al- ZamÄn (mgehr))

February 2, 2023 0

One of the most important features of the universal government of His Excellency Mahdī (mgehr), is to provide the basis for public welfare and comfort for all people. Obviously, it doesn’t refer to the welfare that causes people to turn away from God. Also, it doesn’t include the welfare which comes by itself, rather, it refers to the welfare that will be provided by the wisdom of His Majesty and the great effort of people.

The world after ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)’s martyrdom;

February 2, 2023 0

Of the deep beliefs among the Shia, is the belief in the reviving of two groups: True believers and pure disbelievers. As the people who have this view believe that, the world won’t be without any Ḥujjat, they describe the world after ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)’s martyrdom in two ways:

Why are we expected to pray for ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)’s health?

January 27, 2023 0

Well, The Excellency ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr) may get sick. He [may] get many sicknesses which we usually get. That’s not the case, God has not covered him in a foil, not to get any sicknesses! Yes, he is [sometimes] bothered by us; by us ourselves!  Also, he is bothered for the sake of us! Every one of us has annoyed him for many years. While, [if we were him,] we wouldn’t tolerate even one second of it