Calamities and Reading prayers

May 30, 2024 0

Once, Imām Ṣādiq (pbuh) stated to his companions, ‘Can you recognize whether the disaster you suffer, will last long or not?’ The companions said, ‘No!’ The Imām reacted, ‘whenever reading is inspired [and you perform it] to each of you, it means the disaster doesn’t last [and it will be]!’   (Kāfī, Vol. 2, P. 470)

2-    Why are the healthy people expected to read prayers as the sick people?

Imām Zamān (mGehr)’s duties, while he is unknown to the people

May 30, 2024 0

Imām Zamān (mGehr)’s duties while he is unknown are of two types, based on Sayyid Muḥammad Ṣadr:

1-    Protecting his Shiites and friends and observing their social relations with other people. Also he observes them, since they are supposed to teach Islamic taught as good as possible, and implement Islamic laws.

The wisdom and benefits behind The Occultation

May 30, 2024 0

Regarding the issue, Ahl al Bayt1 (pbu th) presented some reasons for The Occultation:

1-    Protecting the Imām (mGehr)’s life from the enemies’ dangers/ detriments.

[In this relation,] Zurārah2 narrated from Imām Ṣādiq (pbuh): 

إِنً لِلْقَائِمَ غَیْبَۀِ قَبْلُ ظُهُورِهَ قُلْتَ وَ لِمُ قَالَ یَخَافوِ أَوْمَىبِیَدِهِ إِلَىَ بَطْنِهُ قَالزُرَارَۀَ یَعْنِیاَلْقَتْل

Indeed, the Qā’im will be absent before his appearance.

Allamah Baḥr al Ulūm (mGbhs) and Imām Zamān (mGehr)

May 29, 2024 0

Once I went to Kūfah Mosque. I saw my Sir, Walī Aşr (mGehr) was busy with worshipping. There, I stood up and said Hi. He answered my hello and ordered me to get nearer. I just went a little forward, because of the ethics. He stated, ‘Come nearer!’  And I just went a little forward. Again he stated, ‘Come nearer!’ When I got nearer, he affectionately embraced me and kept me tight on his chest.

Then, whatever The Almighty God wanted, was transferred to my heart and chest….

Artificial jewelries

December 1, 2023 0

Some opportunists make a similar product for every valuable and luxurious product! They have made the fake and artificial ones of whatever is originality and value. For example, no one thinks of producing fake 7000 Tumān bills. Unlikely, there are some people who have been producing 50000 fake Tumān bills. Well, this [the second one] has value and status in the eyes of the beloved ones.

 Two Kirāmahs Imām Zamān (mGehr) after the Emergence

December 1, 2023 0

Facing the twelfth Imām (mGehr), Sayyid Ḥasanī, will ask, “Do you have a reason, a miracle [it refers to Kirāmahs] or a sign? There, the Imām (mGehr) looks at the sky, points to a bird which sits on his hand, speaks with the power of God and testifies to the Imamate of the Imām!

Some characteristics of the society who look forward to the Emergence

November 30, 2023 0

In Ayatollah Khāmeneī’s point of view, the first and the most significant characteristic of the society which looks forward to the Emergence is that it has firm faith in the victory of truth against falsehood. Also, [it firm faith in]  the sure fulfillment of God’s promise which will be the result of spreading justice, due to the emergence of the Promised Savior “His Excellency Mahdii (mGehr)”.

Fake followers

November 29, 2023 0

The important enemies of the women who look forward to the Emergence are called “fake followers” who are Satan, its agents [devils], and the ego of the people!

A woman who looks forward to the emergence is expected to be more alert and not to be tricked and seduced by Satan through showing off her feminine features, luxuriating, diversification, and elegance.

Some Kirāmahs by Imām Zamān (mGehr)

November 29, 2023 0

1-    The Forgotten sword Alī ibn Muḥammad said: [Once] a man of Abeh [Âveh] brought a property to present to “Nāhīya al-Mūqaddasa [Imām Zamān (mGehr)]”. […]