“KarbalÄâ€Â  The bridge of Emergence

January 11, 2020 0

The rise of Imam Huṣayn (pbuh) wasn’t not limited in time and space.

As supporting ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh) meant fighting in the “battlefront of Karbala”, supporting Ḥojjat ibn al- Haá¹£an1 [ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)] is through taking part in the “soft war of knowledge and culture.”

Ä€shÅ«rÄii companions not only weren’t afraid of being wounded by swords and spears, but also they welcomed the martyrdom with smiles.

Have we ever had any divine call in the past?

January 4, 2020 1

When His Excellency Ê¿AlÄ« (pbuh) showed those brevities and sacrifices in in the Battle of Uhud1, Gabriel called,”الاسی٠الّا دوالÙقار، ولا Ùتی الّا علی”2 And the people who were present, heard it from the sky…

Zayd ibn Wahab3 told Ibn Masūd4, ‘ʿAlī resistance in Uhud was the matter of marvel!’

Ibn Masud reacted, ‘You are not the only one who wonders! Even the other angels were verily marveled! Haven’t you heard that while he was ascending to sky, Gabriel called, “الاسی٠الّا دوالÙقار، ولا Ùتی الّا علی?!

M like Mother!

January 4, 2020 0

Although there is not any available, and clearly explicit biography of ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s mother, based on the well- known assumption_ from some narrations_ she played the role of a slave who had been captured in the war, in order to join ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbuh)’s respected family at last. [It had been planned before, by ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbuh)’s father; ImÄm HÄdÄ« (pbuh) in order to save her. Then she married ImÄm AskarÄ«, as she had dreamt it in a heavenly dream.]

Ä€shÅ«rÄii women; The women who look forward to the Emergence

December 8, 2019 0

When piety is the criterion of value, the gender isn’t main.

Its high time, we recall Siyaneh1 who was a stylist in Ferˈon’s castle. She was a martyr in the right path [Path of God] who will (Rajˈat2) return to the world after the emergence.

Historically, there have been the women who were bright. Of the most well- known and brilliant ones are: Their Excellencies Fatimah, Maryam, and Asiya (pbu th).

The terrible battle of Qirq

December 1, 2019 0

After suppressing the opponents, Sufyanī and his large army, will rush into Iraq. So they will head Iraq. When they reach toQirq (Acity in Syria where khabur and Euphrates rivers meet) there will happen a battle and many people will be killed! Perhaps the reasonof such a decimation, is resisting the rulers of the land against Sufyanī’s avarice.

At ImÄm Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s School

December 1, 2019 0

“To help the Imam (pbuh)”,

is the main lesson of this school… [the divine school]!

In the session “JÄmi’ah KabÄ«rah”1, the prayer doesn’t read “make me ready to help him”.

But it implies “I am ready to help you; you can count on me, [and] my help is ready for you …”

That is why in the session Ahad2, the ones who looks forward to the Emergence say chorally:

The one who completes ImÄm Ḥusayn’s (pbuh) Journey…

December 1, 2019 0

ImÄm Ḥusayn (pbuh) headed toward KÅ«fah [as he had been requested], in order to set there the headquarters of IslÄmic jurisdiction, like his gracious father [ImÄm Ê¿AlÄ« (pbuh)].

[But] when the political atmosphere changed in KÅ«fah, the very inviters blocked the road to the ImÄm (pbuh)!!

Yet, he settled in KarbalÄ inevitably, in 2nd Muḥarram.

What will Sufyanī do, after the Battle of Qirq?

December 1, 2019 0

He will send two different armies to Median and Iraq, coincidently! Well, ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s governing station is of special importance for him. Hence, he will rush into Shia- inhabited cities of KÅ«fah, and his huge attacks will strike the people!

Giving Sufyanī and his followers, an ultimatum

December 1, 2019 0

 ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr) will invite them, and reminds them his truthfulness. He will inform them that he is oppressed and his right will have been usurped, by force.

He will state, ‘Whoever bickers me over God, [must know that], I am the most deserving and nearest to God…’

However, Sufyanī will disobey The Excellency. Yet, The Excellency will set off to cleanse the world from his existence.

One eminent lesson taken from SÅ«rat Joseph (pbuh)

November 9, 2019 0

One of the most eminent lessons of Joseph Sūrat is “How prophet Jacob (pbuh) dealt with the issue “The absence of God’s Walī1.

Jacob (pbuh) used to cry a lot, while he was infallible

and he was expected to be totally thinking of God.