Dua Faraj

February 11, 2025 0

With The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful O Allah, terrible was the calamity, and its evil consequences are visible, the covering has been […]

Recognizing the seditions within the Last Era

January 12, 2025 0

The Messenger of God (pbuh&h) stated, “Don’t consider the seditions of the Last Era as malevolent! It’s because, they can ruin the hypocrites!”
[Yes,] he mentioned that the seditions are needed to exist. He stated:

Peace and comfort are of the characteristics which belong to right life

July 27, 2024 0

We can be a role model for people of the world, by paving the path of Imām Huṣayn (pbuh); that is, we can live in such a way that people express, “The followers of Imām Huṣayn (pbuh) are so chivalrous, calm, purely and delighted!” Tranquility and comfort are characteristics that belong to true life. Having a more comfortable life is not only a personal benefit, but also it is a social, historical, and Mahdavī [related to Imām Zamān (mGehr)] responsibility.

The effect of financial improvement on the spiritual affairs

July 27, 2024 0

Caring for esteem is an important affair, and we were advised to care about esteem. Also, earning a livelihood, finance, perseverance, struggle, and self-support can protect it [esteem].

When reading the prayer, Amīr al Mu’menin (pbuh) requested God as follows,

“O, lord, save my esteem.”

Convenience shouldn’t be destroyed; It should be controlled and managed

July 10, 2024 0

Seeking comfort [convenience] is of the nature of humans. But, it can be in an extreme state, transforming, and leads humans to fall. We are not supposed to destroy seeking comfort in ourselves; instead, we should control and manage it. This doesn’t mean to remove all the comforts! On the contrary, we are supposed to provide ourselves with comforts and convenience.

How does His Excellency [Mahdī (mGehr)] get food, clothes and inhabitance and what are them?

July 10, 2024 0

Since we don’t have any narration related to this point, we suppose the Excellency’s food, clothes and inhabitance are natural and usual. It’s because, based on divine tradition, the world of creation has fixed usual laws, except some occasions.

Therefore, the Imām (mGehr) has a normal body and uses ordinary food, too. Although, God sometimes sends a heavenly gift to the Excellency, as it was granted to Her Excellency Mary (pbuh) and others.

The debate among Shaykh Bahāʾi and Shāfiʿī about Her Majesty al-Zahrā (pbuh)

December 2, 2023 0

It has been mentioned in the book Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī that, the Holy Prophet (Pbuh&h) stated,

إِنَّ فَاطِمَةَ بَضْعَةٌ مِنِّی‏، مَنْ آذَاهَا فَقَدْ آذَانِی، وَ مَنْ غَاظَهَا فَقَدْ غَاظَنِی

Which means, “Fātimā (Pbuh) is part of me; whoever hurts her, they have hurt me. And whoever delights her, they have delighted me”.  (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, publ. Dār Al-Jalīl, Beirut, V.7, P.47)

It also has been mentioned in four other pages that,

 “وَ خَرَجَتْ فاطِمَةُ مِنَ الدُّنْیا وَ هِیَ غاضِبَةٌ عَلَیْهِما”

Which means, Fātimā (Pbuh) passed away, while she was angry with them: Abū Bakr and ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab.  (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, V.9, P.185, And Faḍāʾil Khamise men al-Sahāh al-Sitta, V.3, P.190).

So, according to the principles of Sunnites, how can these two narrations fit together?

A moment to ponder!

December 1, 2023 0

On the eve of Ramadan 17th, Prophet [Muḥammad] (pbuh&h) went to the Miʿrāj. The next morning, Satan came to his present and said:

O, the Messenger of God (pbuh&h)! The last night when you went to the Miʿrāj, in the fourth heaven, there was a broken and burnt pulpit on the left side (Baitul Ma’mur) that fell inverted. Did you know that pulpit, and did you find out whose it was?

Artificial jewelries

December 1, 2023 0

Some opportunists make a similar product for every valuable and luxurious product! They have made the fake and artificial ones of whatever is originality and value. For example, no one thinks of producing fake 7000 Tumān bills. Unlikely, there are some people who have been producing 50000 fake Tumān bills. Well, this [the second one] has value and status in the eyes of the beloved ones.