A part of master Panahian’s knocker speech

A part of master Panahian’s knocker speech

Palestine square, after the Friday prayer, 18/2

Some years ago, Zionists attack to Lebanon and said: «Lebanon is a revelry plase, its easy to occupy it!»

But Lebanon’s people by Hizbollah’s patronage, larrup them.

Then they combined to Takfiris to depredate Syria and said: «It’s not in power range of Hizbollah’s army anymore.»

But syrians arise and americans, who plod so lot and made army base in Iraq to occupy it by themselve’s army, didn’t conclude there, too.

If they conclude any thing about yamanis?!
Oh! Yamanis people! Greatest distinction you have, is “pure belief and chivalry morale”, and the greatest problem you don’t have is “compatible

Yamanis people! Make free the Mecca and Madina, becouse Qods’s way traverse by Mecca and Madina, today! Fortime Imam khomeini said «Qods’s way

traverse by Karbala.», now Karbala is free and wistful. Continuation of disengage of this way need another wing and  no one could imagine that our

miscreant enemy itself preface disengagement of Mecca and Madina…

Yamanis people! Holy biers of guidance Imams, luculent shrine of prophet Mohammad(pbuh) and the Ka’aba house, whiche are under threat of takfiris

and ISIS, are waiting for you! We know if you will and do patience and have revolutional scheme, disengagement of Mecca and Madina of Juish hands

won’t last more than one day!

It’s more than hundred years that world’s muslems are enduring Al-e-Yahud, I mean Al-e-So’ud as a bur in eye and a prick in fauces and a bowie in

body. Yamanis people! Eradicate this malignancy source, so accordingly all Takfiris will be waste!

Let muslims feel easement!

Dear Yamanis people! We Iranians people, our eyes and hearts, patronage your revolution and we are sure that you won’t flag up to conquer Mecca and


You are in your revolution debut now, but know in islamic Iran, the first news which warm iranians pursuid in each news turn, is your yamanis news.

After our revolution, we never was as contented as today, when observing your revolution.

Lonely of imam Hossain(pbuh) was enormous! But yamanis people! you are not alone, lonely time has been finished…