No Pain, No Gain …

There is no doubt that the fulfilment of God’s promise –that the righteous will become the rulers of the earth – needs some prerequisite, so it will not be in vain!

One of that prerequisite was “Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh&h)”’s prophetic mission];

The Prophet(pbuh&h) endured all of those heavy persecution and annoyance during his 23 years of invitation, so that the righteous jurisdiction would be established…

[But] Unfortunately after [death of] the Prophet(pbuh&h) they made some conditions that made things go wrong, and even in some regressed to the JÄhilÄ«yah1!

“The uprising of Ä€shÅ«rÄ” was a movement to bring the religion back to its mainstream; He (ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh)) rose to reform his grandfather’s Ummah [community].

However, after the uprising of ʻĀshÅ«rÄ the opposite parties apparently existed for a while, but the uprising of ʻĀshÅ«rÄ changed the wrong beliefs. And it became clear to everyone that IslÄm and Hypocrisy are different, and the deviant party became disgraced!

“Where is the one demanding with the blood of the one slain in Karbala?”2 that is to say, the ones who look forward to the Emergence should know, to destruct and disgrace [people like] YazÄ«d in your era, you must act like the people [who helped ImÄm Huá¹£ayne (pbuh)] in ʻĀshÅ«rÄ…


1-     JÄhilÄ«yah is an Islamic concept referring to the period of time and state of affairs in Arabia before the advent of Islam in 610 CE. It is often translated as the “Age of Ignorance”.

2-     A part of Nudbah prayer


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