The words of the [infallible Shia] Imams and the scholars about Imト[ Mahdトォ

May 14, 2023 0

I asked ‘Allト[ah Tabataba’i if it is possible to visit His Excellency [Sト”ib al- Zamト] (mgehr)] or no?! He returned, 窶郎es, but on three conditions: Being completely pious, feeling a great love [to the Imト[ (mGehr)], and being persistent in reciting Zトォyト〉a トl Yト《トォn (the long version).窶 (Gham-e Eshgh, P. 90)

Paying Attention to Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr)

January 24, 2023 0

Khwト)a Aba 盪「alt al-Hirawトォ was the only one who was aware of the martyrdom of Imト[ Rトォ盧溝 (pbuh). Maハセmナォn ordered not to let him go free; as he knew about the martyrdom story and would inform the others. 窶連rrest him and send him to jail窶 ordered Maハセmナォn.

Khwト)a Aba 盪「alt was in the prison for a year and a half. Finally, his heart broke For a moment and he invoked to Imト[ al-Jawト‥ (pbuh) in his heart and beseeched,…

Hadiths of the Imams

April 5, 2020 0

What you are expected to do Imam Sadiq( pbuh) said: I don窶冲 like to see any youth among you [the Shiites], but of 2 types: […]


June 24, 2019 0

The story of Imam Zamト] (mgehr) and us, is like the story of a hollow next to a sea.[Well, hollows should not consider themselves deep]If the hollow is joint to the sea through (even a narrow) stream,

Let窶冱 do not make him ashamed!

June 19, 2019 0

If we claim that we are followers of and Shia of that honorable Imam; I am afraid if the Imam [Imam Mahdトォ (mgher)] sees our dossier of deeds, Na窶卩ォdhu billト” [we seek refuge in Allah], he will become ashamed!If a child of you does wrong, you will become ashamed! If your servant does wrong, you will become ashamed [too]!

Why Does Not God Clear The Table?

January 21, 2019 0

Everything in the universe has been created for humankind, and the purpose of human creation is “The knowledge of God and his servitude.”

Now, is our devotion what God had really intended?

[Some notes about:] Of Imam 盧、usayn (pbuh)窶冱 generation

April 8, 2018 0

ル リャル借ケル勺ル勺リァ レゥルル拙ル借ゥル リィリァルぽ雇借ゥル ル⊥ リケル勺ほ切ィルル ルル借ケルル胎勺ル詔 ロ雇借アリャル切ケル異 [リイル証ョリアル詔/ロイロク]

And he left it as a Word to endure among those who came after him, that they may turn back (to Allah). (Holy Qur`an, Surah AZ-ZUKHRUF, verse 28)