Circumambulating Ka`bah

May 8, 2018 0

Indeed, people have been instructed to; come toward these rocks.

And circumambulate around them,

Then come to us,

And inform us about their obedience. [They are expected to love and obey their Imams (pbu th)].


May 8, 2018 0

“I am seeing1 Sufyāni who deployed [his troops] in Kūfah square.

And his crier calls,” Whoever brings heads of Ali’s Shiites, will be gifted one thousand Dirham.”
1-           Imams, Prophet Muhammad, other prophets (pbu th), and other great majesties had the power of spiritual seeing; because of their piety and other spiritual features. So, the word” seeing” here refers to this type.

Imam Khomeini (r.i.p.)

April 13, 2018 0

Some people ask, ‘What will Imam Mahdi (mgehr) do with this new technology [when he arises]?

[As an answer one should ask,] ‘What did Imam Khomeini do in that situation?

[He was such a leader that], all the pilots who had been trained in the USA in the period of Shah 1, came and provided their expertise to him.

Gospel of the savior’s emergence in Hindu sources

April 13, 2018 0

When the day is over, the old world turns new.

And the new landowner comes.

[He is the one] whose ancestors are in turn: The Great Leader of the World; “Honor in The Last Era”. And “The Great Truth teller”.

That means the older successor is named “Pashan”.

In the book “Nahj al- Balagha”, Amir al-Mu’minin [Imam Ali (pbuh)] stated:

April 8, 2018 0

[At the end of the period] in which people get guidance on their own desires, the Promised Savior will arise. Then, he will guide all their desires and passions according to The Inspiration [Qur’an].

[Yet], he will reinstate all thoughts and theories to Qur’an.

It will be when, they are interpreting the things on their own and imposing their theories on Qur’an.


April 8, 2018 0

Two things are observed in a classroom: a Teacher and a book.

If a student [only] has books but not teachers, s/ he won’t understand the lesson!

Also if there is a teacher but no book, the teacher cannot teach well!

[Some notes about:] Of Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s generation

April 8, 2018 0

و جَعَلَها کلِمَةً باقیَةً فی عَقِبهِ لَعلَّهُم یَرجِعون [زُخرُف/۲۸]

And he left it as a Word to endure among those who came after him, that they may turn back (to Allah). (Holy Qur`an, Surah AZ-ZUKHRUF, verse 28)