Imam Khomeini (r.i.p.)

May 10, 2018 0

1. Explorations will be made by his command.

2. Inventors will provide their expertise to him, or will use his majesty (mgehr)’s expertise and knowledge.

3. People’s mindset level rises.

4. There will be also invisible divine blessings [from God] …

USB Flash

May 10, 2018 0

Consider a USB Flash;

a metal that does not exceed one centimeter in dimensions.

[But] it can transmit the data as big as even a library, once it is connected to a computer.

Now, if there remains a question for an individual that how Imam Zaman (mgehr) became an Imam in his childhood,

we will reply, “This human-made USB flash can receive and store much information once it is connected.

Circumambulating Ka`bah

May 8, 2018 0

Indeed, people have been instructed to; come toward these rocks.

And circumambulate around them,

Then come to us,

And inform us about their obedience. [They are expected to love and obey their Imams (pbu th)].


May 6, 2018 0

Ḥujjat al-IslÄm Ghera’ati said:

Before starting a match, they practice to succeed and win the medal in the field.

We also practice [obedience] in the present time, by listening to the words of the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

In this way, we will follow and obey Imam-e-Zaman (hgr)’s command in the emergence era.

Imam Khomeini (r.i.p.)

April 13, 2018 0

Some people ask, ‘What will Imam Mahdi (mgehr) do with this new technology [when he arises]?

[As an answer one should ask,] ‘What did Imam Khomeini do in that situation?

[He was such a leader that], all the pilots who had been trained in the USA in the period of Shah 1, came and provided their expertise to him.


April 8, 2018 0

Two things are observed in a classroom: a Teacher and a book.

If a student [only] has books but not teachers, s/ he won’t understand the lesson!

Also if there is a teacher but no book, the teacher cannot teach well!

So many spectators!

April 8, 2018 0

There are some people who are always in the view of the public. And their good and bad deeds are under monitor of the others.

Soccer players are of that type.

So under their influence, if people do well, the result will come back to them [the soccer players]. And if the people do bad…!


March 25, 2018 0

Two things are observed in a classroom: a Teacher and a book.   If a student [only] has books but not teachers, s/ he won’t […]

Cold Water

February 15, 2018 0

The hotter the weather, the worthier becomes cold water.

The worsened the current corruptions1, the more willing are people to Imam Zaman (hgr)’s emergence.

[Now do you know], when people appreciate and need him?

The answer is, the time they get into difficulties!

The Rope

February 15, 2018 0

If an individual grasps a firm rope and swims in a sea,

s/ he will be happy [isn’t worried]; despite an increase in the number of waves!

Otherwise, he is expected to be afraid among these waves.