QurʾÄn and “Al- Khasf bi l- BaydÄʾ “

August 24, 2019 0

Several times, the word “Khasf†and its derivations were referred to, in Holy QurʾÄn.  For example: in Surah Al- Qasas, Verse 81 God stated,“Then We caused the earth to swallow him up and his house.â€Also in Surah Al- Nahl, Verse 45, God stated,

Fire from burning the wood of Tamarisk Tree

August 24, 2019 0

Do you know what “Tamarisk” is?[Once] The Holy Prophet (pbuh&h) stated, “O, God! Show me my brothers!†His companions wondered, “Aren’t we your brothers?!â€His Majesty [the Prophet (pbuh&h)] stated, ‘No! You are my companions! [But] my brothers are the people who will live in The Last Era. They will believe in me, although they will not see me.

The most famous word amongst Sunnis

August 24, 2019 0

Did you know [the word] “Mahdī†is one of the most famous sobriquet of ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)? Did you know the word “MahdavÄ«at†is most popular [sobriquet] amongst Sunnis?!In narrations, the sobriquet “Mahdī†is often used about The Excellency [ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)] after the emergence and “QÄʾim†is used before the emergence.

Do you know how many narrations are there in Shia sources ?

August 21, 2019 0

Do you know how many narrations are there in Shia sources, which refer to the number of 12 [infallible] ImÄmsIn the second volume of the valuable book “IthbÄt al-hudÄt by Shaykh Ḥurr ˈAmilÄ«, there are nine hundred and twenty seven narrations about 12 ImÄms (pbu th)’ Imamate. In many of them, the number and names of The ImÄms (pbu th) were mentioned, in a clear cut way. They are such as:

What is Sufyanī ’s religion?

August 21, 2019 0

There are various narrations about Sufyanī ’s religion. But as they aren’t documentarily reliable enough, we cannot come to a definite view about Sufyanī ’s religion. Yet, it is definite that he is in severe bias and enmity with Shiites, in his religious tendencies.

Brake and Accelerator

August 21, 2019 0

In driving training, there are brake and accelerator pedals for the trainer, and also another brake and accelerator pedals for you…Just to show Imam Zaman (mgehr)’s role and rank after God, this example is given:While accelerator and brake pedals are in control of God, there is no problem if another one is provided for someone else.

  ImÄm Khomeini’s Strict Response, to the religious skepticism in the scope of “Setting up a Government in the Occultation Eraâ€

August 9, 2019 0

“There was a group who believed “Any government which sets up in the occultation era, is void and against Islam!â€They assumed it refers to “any kind of governmentâ€. But those narrations say, “the ones which rise as “MahdavÄ« government†are void.They don’t realize or have knowledge about what they say;

Costume Jewelry

August 9, 2019 0

Why do they manufacture costume jewelry?Some opportunists feign every valuable and worthy wares.For each original and worthy thing, they have made and still make a counterfeit and fake one.