Imam ʿAlī (pbuh) stated:
He [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)] will live in the Major Occultation Era and live ,[for a long time].
In such a way that, anthropologist won’t find his trace.
While they will try a lot.
Yes during the riots, there will be a group who become [reformed] like polished swords.
Their eyes will be bright, when reading Qur’an. [They will have spiritual eyes]
And the interpretation of Qur’an will resonate in their ears. [It will be fixed in their minds]
Also the cups of wisdom will be given [to them], in the morning and evenings. [The Divine wisdom is given by God or angles to them]
Collection date:
1/ 31/ 2017
Nahj al balÄgha, Sermon 15, Trans: Moien al slam
The Promised Savior in Nahj al- balÄgha, P. 61
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