Justice of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) with a Christian man

January 15, 2025 0

Imam Ali saw his stolen armor in the hands of a Christian man. He brought him before the judge and he himself sat next to the Christian man.

Then he said: This is my armor. The Christian man said this is my armor, but Amir al-Mu’minin does not lie either.

The judge said to Imam Ali: Do you have any witnesses?

That’s what is called The Emergence

July 31, 2019 0

It is worth that the man stands against oppression; stands against the tyrant, punch them in the mouths and stop so much growing oppression.. “It’s worth it!” Men! We have this religious duty! It is not right for us who are looking forward to Imam MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s emergence, that we just sit down in our homes, pray with praying beads and say, “[God! Please] hurry his Emergence.


June 19, 2019 0

“Big Pacifier” to close mouth of people!!People inherently need the united and integrated governmental organization to support their rights;Human knows that oppression is bad, so Earth must have a judge owner![Well,] the United Nations says, “Let me provide the security that you want.”

Lest a time…!

June 3, 2019 0

All of you; Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, organizations, committees, and all communities who want to serve this country! Pay attention to the fact that all of you are servants of Islam…

A soldier or an imposer!

May 21, 2019 0

O, brothers! I certainly know what you have in mind.But, you don’t have any power?!You know, the insurgents have still possessed their enormity and power.Well, they have control on us but we don’t!

“Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.”

May 21, 2019 0

 If some of you have the same opinion as some deviant ordinary people; that people should increase the disbelief and oppression to prepare the preliminaries for the Emergence of the honorable Imam ZamÄn (pbuh), hence “Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return” [Here it means, “Let the things go wrong. We will die anyway!]

Knowing the Imam [Imam ZamÄn (mgehr)], without deference?!

May 5, 2019 0

One day in Masjid al-Haram1, Imam SÄdiq (pbuh) stated to Abu Basir, ‘Ask the people who are passing by, whether they have seen JaÊ¿far ibn Muḥammad.’Abu Basir obeyed and began to ask, but all of the answers were negative!Then, Abu HÄrÅ«n who was blind got near them. His Excellency stated,

Eyelashes (The Lifespan of Imam Mahdī (mgehr))

May 5, 2019 0

Usually, when the length of the eyebrows and eyelashes reach a certain level, they stay constant and do not grow, even after decades.While the hair and facial hair [hair and facial hair are 4 fingers apart], grow and change.Although both feed on skin, meat, blood, food and oxygen,

Clerical wrongdoing!

May 5, 2019 0

The clerics who claim that they are the Imam ZamÄn’s representative,If God forbid something against IslÄm arises from them, not only will they bring down themselves, but also they will destroy clergymen reputation!This is a big responsibility on their shoulders.