Knowing the Imam [Imam ZamÄn (mgehr)], without deference?!

One day in Masjid al-Haram1, Imam SÄdiq (pbuh) stated to Abu Basir,

‘Ask the people who are passing by, whether they have seen Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad.’

Abu Basir obeyed and began to ask, but all of the answers were negative!

Then, Abu HÄrÅ«n who was blind got near them. His Excellency stated,

‘Ask him too.’ And when Abu Basir asked the question,

He [Abu HÄrÅ«n] replied, ‘That sir is next to you!’

Yes! If a person wants to achieve enlightenment so that through this knowledge the Imam (mgehr) will appear in his life,

and feel his supervision and WilÄyah2 inside himself,

she/ he is expected to defer herself/ himself Walī3 of God.

We won’t be purified by god, unless we are deferred to God

One of the most important means of human purifying, is the disasters and tests by God…

The brightest, the most attached to Ä€shÅ«rÄ4


1-     The Great Mosque of Mecca is a mosque that surrounds the Kaʿbah in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is a site of pilgrimage for the Hajj, which every Muslim must do at least once in their lives if able, the rites of which includes circumambulating the Kaʿbah within the mosque.

2& 3- They are administrative divisions, usually translated as “state”, “province”, or occasionally as “governorate”. The word comes from the Arabic “w-l-y”, “to govern”: a wall—”governor”—governs a wilÄyah, “that which is governed”.

2-     It is the tenth day of Muḥarram, the first month in the Islamic calendar. For the majority of Shia Muslims Ä€shÅ«rÄ marks the climax of the Remembrance of Muḥarram and commemorates the death of Ḥusayn ibn Ali (pbuh), the grandson of the Islamic prophet Muḥammad (pbuh&h), at the Battle of KarbalÄ on 10 Muharram in the year 61 AH.


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