What prophets (Pbu th) did not complete!

February 11, 2025 0

God has reserved him [Imām Zamān]. It’s because, no one [from the first to the last] have had this power to spread justice throughout the world, and it was for him alone. This it what the prophets (pbu th) failed to achieve, even though they came to serve it.

The audible story of Imam Zaman’s honorable mother’s marriage

July 27, 2024 0

the Imām wrote a nice letter in Latin language and in Latin style handwriting. Then, he sealed it with his seal. He also took out a sack that was full of gold and had two hundred and twenty Ashrafi1. He stated, ‘Take this letter and gold, head to Baqdād. Then you should be present at such bridge on such day.

When the ships that carry the captives landed on the shore, you could see a crowd of bondmen. Also, a group of deputies of Bani Abbās’s Emirs and a few Arab young men will gather around them. All day long, you have to be on the lookout for the slaver named “Amroo ibn Yazīd”. You will wait until the time, he introduces the bondwoman who has such and such features… she will wear silk clothes.

   About Imām Zamān (mGehr)’s honorable mother

July 10, 2024 0

When the ships that carry the captives landed on the shore, you can see a crowd of bondmen. Also, a group of deputies of Bani Abbās’s Emirs and a few Arab young men will gather around them. All day long, you have to be on the lookout for the slaver named “Amroo ibn Yazīd”. You will wait up to the time, he will introduce the bondwoman who has such and such features… she will wear a silk clothes.

1-It was a coin equal to 3.45 grams of gold.

 Two Kirāmahs Imām Zamān (mGehr) after the Emergence

December 1, 2023 0

Facing the twelfth Imām (mGehr), Sayyid Ḥasanī, will ask, “Do you have a reason, a miracle [it refers to Kirāmahs] or a sign? There, the Imām (mGehr) looks at the sky, points to a bird which sits on his hand, speaks with the power of God and testifies to the Imamate of the Imām!

Some characteristics of the society who look forward to the Emergence

November 30, 2023 0

In Ayatollah Khāmeneī’s point of view, the first and the most significant characteristic of the society which looks forward to the Emergence is that it has firm faith in the victory of truth against falsehood. Also, [it firm faith in]  the sure fulfillment of God’s promise which will be the result of spreading justice, due to the emergence of the Promised Savior “His Excellency Mahdii (mGehr)”.

Some Kirāmahs by Imām Zamān (mGehr)

November 29, 2023 0

1-    The Forgotten sword Alī ibn Muḥammad said: [Once] a man of Abeh [Âveh] brought a property to present to “Nāhīya al-Mūqaddasa [Imām Zamān (mGehr)]”. […]

Five Aḥādīth by Imām Zamān (mGehr)

November 29, 2023 0

  أَبَی اَللَّهُ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ لِلْحَقِّ إِلاَّ إِتْمَاماً وَ لِلْبَاطِلِ إِلاَّ زُهُوقاً وَ هُوَ شَاهِدٌ عَلَی بِمَا أَذْکرُهُ »: الغیبة (للطوسی) ج۱ ص۲۸۷ 1-The […]

Supply and demand

August 8, 2023 0

Supply is dependent on demand. All the religions around the world believe that a world peacemaker or a divine individual will come in the last era. However, this event depends on your demand.

 I just recite “O’ ibn al- Haṣan (mgehr)!”. We get together in religious gatherings, and we even express our grief by beating our breasts, but this type of reciting “O’ ibn al- Haṣan (mgehr)” is superficial! I just repeat it over and over; it hasn’t been engraved on our hearts. If it had, we would have been obedient and submissive.

Solutions to Save the Religion in the Last Era

August 8, 2023 0

“I want to help the Emergence, I want to do something for the Emergence, I want to be present at that time and live then”. So, what is the first thing to do for me, who wants to do something for Mahdism?

I should hold my faith firmly. Firstly, let’s see when would be the Last Era. Is it right now? Anyway, let’s first describe the characteristics of the Last Era, then we will continue the discussion.