ツTwo Kirト[ahs Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr) after the Emergence

December 1, 2023 0

Facing the twelfth Imト[ (mGehr), Sayyid 盧、asanトォ, will ask, 窶廛o you have a reason, a miracle [it refers to Kirト[ahs] or a sign? There, the Imト[ (mGehr) looks at the sky, points to a bird which sits on his hand, speaks with the power of God and testifies to the Imamate of the Imト[!

Some characteristics of the society who look forward to the Emergence

November 30, 2023 0

In Ayatollah Khト[eneトォ窶冱 point of view, the first and the most significant characteristic of the society which looks forward to the Emergence is that it has firm faith in the victory of truth against falsehood. Also, [it firm faith in]ツ the sure fulfillment of God’s promise which will be the result of spreading justice, due to the emergence of the Promised Savior 窶廩is Excellency Mahdii (mGehr)窶.

Full of smile

November 30, 2023 0

According to some translators and commentators of Nahj al-balト“ha, this word announces the Emergence of His Majesty Mahdトォ (mgehr), and the dawn of justice, and refers to the general principle of “this darkness will end up by the dawn, and the dawn will be replaced by the morning.”

If you like to visit Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr), read this text

August 8, 2023 0

Sayyid Abd al- Karトォm Kaffト《h who sometimes visited the Excellency [Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr)]. [Later,] my father asked him, 窶楼, sir! Why do Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr) usually comes to see you?!窶 There, the very Sayyid Abd al Karトォm replied, 窶狼he sir [the Imト[] stated, 窶露 am coming to you, because you have left your self [ego]!

Solutions to Save the Religion in the Last Era

August 8, 2023 0

窶廬 want to help the Emergence, I want to do something for the Emergence, I want to be present at that time and live then窶. So, what is the first thing to do for me, who wants to do something for Mahdism?

I should hold my faith firmly. Firstly, let窶冱 see when would be the Last Era. Is it right now? Anyway, let窶冱 first describe the characteristics of the Last Era, then we will continue the discussion.

ツBe prepared for [oncoming] calamity!

August 8, 2023 0

Yes, these messages have not only been for Imト[ Hu盪」ayn (pbuh)窶冱 household but also for us!

Protect the religion of God; be sure God will protect you.

The most important message which is for all of us is:

Preserve your religion even in the worst conditions; God will definitely bless you.

The verses of holy Qurハセト], relating to Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr)

August 6, 2023 0

ル異 ルル借ヲル拙ル リ」ル借ョル胎借アル壷リァ リケル勺ル壷ル詔ル リァルル坪ケル借ーリァリィル リ・ル拙ル俄 リ」ル詔ル胎借ゥル ルル借ケル坪ッル詔畏ッル借ゥル ルル杓雇勺ほ詔異ル詔ル胎 ルリァ ロ雇借ュル坪ィル切ウル詔ル リ」ル勺リァ ロ雇勺異壷ル ロ雇借」ル坪ェル摂雇ル拙ル ルル杓雇坪ウル ルル借オル坪アル詔異リァル リケル勺ル壷ル詔ル ル異 リュリァルほ リィル拙ル拙ル ルリァ ルリァルル詔畏ァ リィル拙ル ロ雇借ウル坪ェル勺ル坪イル切、ル詔ル

And if We defer their punishment until a certain time, they will surely say, 窶聾hat holds it back?窶 Look! On the day it overtakes them it shall not be turned away from them, and they will be besieged by what they used to deride.

The similarities between Imト[ Mahdトォ (mGehr) and Imト[ Husayn (pbuh)

August 6, 2023 0

Infact, The Qト≫冓m (mGehr)calls out his name* on the twenty-third night [of Ramadhan], and rises on the day of Ashurト, the day Hu盪」ayn ibn Alトォ (pbuh) was killed.

2- Imト[ Hu盪」ayn (pbuh)窶 Rajハスa will be after Mahdトォ (mGehr)窶冱 emergence:

According to many narrations, Imト[ Hu盪」ayn (pbuh) and his companions (mGbths) will Rajハスa [return] and help Imト[ Mahdトォ (mGehr), after the formation of the Mahdavトォ government.

The lifestyle for looking forward to the Emergence

June 8, 2023 0

ツ They are creatures, so they are needy and weak.
They have two main aspects: mental and physical.
Human’s souls and bodies are affected by each other.
Human souls are eternal.
They are the noblest of creatures and have intrinsic and acquired dignity so that they can be superior to the angels.