Reciting prayers in the Major Occultation Era

July 27, 2024 0

[In this regard,] Zurārah said, ‘Once I heard Aba Abdullâh (pbuh) stated, ‘Qā’im (mGehr) is occulted for a long time before he will emerge!’ I wondered, ‘How come?!’ He stated, ‘He fears.’ And he pointed to his blessed belly with his hand. Then he kept on, ‘O, Zurārah! He is the one who is looking forward to his emergence [Mūntasar2]. Also, he is the one whom they will doubt in his birth!

   About Imām Zamān (mGehr)’s honorable mother

July 10, 2024 0

When the ships that carry the captives landed on the shore, you can see a crowd of bondmen. Also, a group of deputies of Bani Abbās’s Emirs and a few Arab young men will gather around them. All day long, you have to be on the lookout for the slaver named “Amroo ibn Yazīd”. You will wait up to the time, he will introduce the bondwoman who has such and such features… she will wear a silk clothes.

1-It was a coin equal to 3.45 grams of gold.

The Solution for Divorce is Trust in Allah.

July 10, 2024 0

This verse tells us that love (not other attributes that we may think are love, but actual love), will come only after belief.  Interestingly this verse comes at the end of Surah Maryam and lady Maryam was the mother whose practices created for her a prophet son who brought love to the world and through this heart ability of his (Allah’s gift), was able to bring the dead to life with the permission of Allah. 

Why do half of marriages end in divorce?

July 10, 2024 0

When the youth are going to get married, we should advise them, “The marital life [marital life] includes suffering! And the philosophy behind it is, there must happen some disagreements among the wives and husbands, so that they can progress. Otherwise, why should these two opposite sexes (men and women who cannot easily understand each other), live together?

How can we avoid the fate which has been ordered to the angels to carry out?

July 10, 2024 0

When the fates and destinies of humans are determined by God, He orders the angels in order to carry out them [the fates and destinies]. For example, God orders His Excellency Azrael, “Take the soul of such person at such time!”

[In this regard,] Imām Ṣādiq (pbuh) states, “Even if people’s faiths are ordered from the heavens to the angels, praying can stop its being carried out!

Peace and comfort are of the characteristics which belong to right life

June 10, 2024 0

We can be a role model for people of the world, by paving the path of Imām Huṣayn (pbuh); that is, we can live in such a way that people express, “The followers of Imām Huṣayn (pbuh) are so chivalrous, calm, purely and delighted!” Tranquility and comfort are of the characteristics that belong to the true life. Having a more comfortable life is not only a personal benefit, but also it is a social, historical, and Mahdavī [related to Imām Zamān (mGehr)] responsibility.

Calamities and Reading prayers

May 30, 2024 0

Once, Imām Ṣādiq (pbuh) stated to his companions, ‘Can you recognize whether the disaster you suffer, will last long or not?’ The companions said, ‘No!’ The Imām reacted, ‘whenever reading is inspired [and you perform it] to each of you, it means the disaster doesn’t last [and it will be]!’   (Kāfī, Vol. 2, P. 470)

2-    Why are the healthy people expected to read prayers as the sick people?

Imām Zamān (mGehr)’s duties, while he is unknown to the people

May 30, 2024 0

Imām Zamān (mGehr)’s duties while he is unknown are of two types, based on Sayyid Muḥammad Ṣadr:

1-    Protecting his Shiites and friends and observing their social relations with other people. Also he observes them, since they are supposed to teach Islamic taught as good as possible, and implement Islamic laws.

The wisdom and benefits behind The Occultation

May 30, 2024 0

Regarding the issue, Ahl al Bayt1 (pbu th) presented some reasons for The Occultation:

1-    Protecting the Imām (mGehr)’s life from the enemies’ dangers/ detriments.

[In this relation,] Zurārah2 narrated from Imām Ṣādiq (pbuh): 

إِنً لِلْقَائِمَ غَیْبَۀِ قَبْلُ ظُهُورِهَ قُلْتَ وَ لِمُ قَالَ یَخَافوِ أَوْمَىبِیَدِهِ إِلَىَ بَطْنِهُ قَالزُرَارَۀَ یَعْنِیاَلْقَتْل

Indeed, the Qā’im will be absent before his appearance.