Wisdom is an integral part of Imam ZamÄn (mgehr)

October 16, 2019 0

In Nahj al- BilÄgha, Imam Ê¿AlÄ« (pbuh) stated:

In fact, he [Imam ZamÄn (mgehr)] has worn The Wisdom Shield. And he owns The Wisdom with all

He is totally considerate and knowledgeable about it.

As if, The Wisdom was his lost part.


October 13, 2019 0

“They cost a lot, to censor Arba’een epic in the world. And this huge size of censorship is not normal!

Otherwise, if it were normal, it would be the biggest news in the world…

[Even] This subject is neglected in the Islamic Republic of Iran too;

No Pain, No Gain …

October 10, 2019 0

There is no doubt that the fulfilment of God’s promise –that the righteous will become the rulers of the earth – needs some prerequisite, so it will not be in vain!

One of that prerequisite was “Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh&h)”’s prophetic mission];

The Prophet(pbuh&h) endured all of those heavy persecution and annoyance during his 23 years of invitation, so that the righteous jurisdiction would be established…

The Divine Call (In Sunnīs’ point of view)

September 28, 2019 0

Sunnīs believe there are two Calls [As the sign of The Emergence]:

1-    A not vocal sound: there will be a sound on the half Ramaá¸Än which is strong as a thunder. But as it will be without any voice, they advise [the people] to close your eras avoid listening to it!

The young companions

September 7, 2019 0

ˈAbbas ibn Ê¿AlÄ« (pbuh): [He was] a young very courageous flag- bearer and pioneer of ImÄm Huá¹£ayne (pbuh). He was 34 at the martyr time, […]

QurʾÄn and “Al- Khasf bi l- BaydÄʾ “

August 24, 2019 0

Several times, the word “Khasf†and its derivations were referred to, in Holy QurʾÄn.  For example: in Surah Al- Qasas, Verse 81 God stated,“Then We caused the earth to swallow him up and his house.â€Also in Surah Al- Nahl, Verse 45, God stated,

Fire from burning the wood of Tamarisk Tree

August 24, 2019 0

Do you know what “Tamarisk” is?[Once] The Holy Prophet (pbuh&h) stated, “O, God! Show me my brothers!†His companions wondered, “Aren’t we your brothers?!â€His Majesty [the Prophet (pbuh&h)] stated, ‘No! You are my companions! [But] my brothers are the people who will live in The Last Era. They will believe in me, although they will not see me.

The most famous word amongst Sunnis

August 24, 2019 0

Did you know [the word] “Mahdī†is one of the most famous sobriquet of ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)? Did you know the word “MahdavÄ«at†is most popular [sobriquet] amongst Sunnis?!In narrations, the sobriquet “Mahdī†is often used about The Excellency [ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)] after the emergence and “QÄʾim†is used before the emergence.