Typology of Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr)窶冱 during his rise

August 8, 2023 0

a-ツツツ Hypocrites

The first group who line up against His Excellency Mahdトォ (mGehr), are polytheists and disbelievers. Well, they claim that they are the head of people of the world. So, they see liberating movement of Imト[ Mahdトォ (mGehr) as a ban for their improper benefits.

Anyhow, the way of His Excellency Mahdトォ (mGehr)窶冱 deals with them, is as same as the Prophet (pbuh&h)窶冱.

The verses of holy Qurハセト], relating to Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr)

August 6, 2023 0

ル異 ルル借ヲル拙ル リ」ル借ョル胎借アル壷リァ リケル勺ル壷ル詔ル リァルル坪ケル借ーリァリィル リ・ル拙ル俄 リ」ル詔ル胎借ゥル ルル借ケル坪ッル詔畏ッル借ゥル ルル杓雇勺ほ詔異ル詔ル胎 ルリァ ロ雇借ュル坪ィル切ウル詔ル リ」ル勺リァ ロ雇勺異壷ル ロ雇借」ル坪ェル摂雇ル拙ル ルル杓雇坪ウル ルル借オル坪アル詔異リァル リケル勺ル壷ル詔ル ル異 リュリァルほ リィル拙ル拙ル ルリァ ルリァルル詔畏ァ リィル拙ル ロ雇借ウル坪ェル勺ル坪イル切、ル詔ル

And if We defer their punishment until a certain time, they will surely say, 窶聾hat holds it back?窶 Look! On the day it overtakes them it shall not be turned away from them, and they will be besieged by what they used to deride.

The lifestyle for looking forward to the Emergence

June 8, 2023 0

ツ They are creatures, so they are needy and weak.
They have two main aspects: mental and physical.
Human’s souls and bodies are affected by each other.
Human souls are eternal.
They are the noblest of creatures and have intrinsic and acquired dignity so that they can be superior to the angels.

Epics of the Last Era

June 6, 2023 0

Well, you don窶冲 need to sacrifice your life! Come and care your brother窶冱 or friend窶冱 reputation as yours! These are Epics of the Last Era; you will be oppressed. Yes, nearer we get to the emergence, more oppressed we will be! ツKeep in mind, it窶冱 the autarchy modern type of being oppressed!

Observing the devil !!

June 6, 2023 0

Iblis really observes the movements in this world. He observes the steps that believers go through to attend in the Emergence Era; It’s not like he is not aware of what’s happening in this world.

O, God! We don窶冲 like this life!

May 14, 2023 0

It connotes that, repent, go and repent! Ask God for forgiveness! O, God, we don窶冲 like this life [the life which is passed, doing sins]! O, God, we don窶冲 like this style of life! O, God, we don窶冲 like these views, audible things, edible things, these jobs. [O, God, we don窶冲 like] being so much idle and weak!ツ

The miracle of Surah Yト《トォn and Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr)

May 14, 2023 0

[Once] a servant of God [people] who lived in Yazd, had a hard problem. Meanwhile, he had the honor of visiting His Excellency Sト”ib al Zamト] (mGehr), but he couldn窶冲 recognize the Imト[!! Anyhow, the Excellency stated:

Recite Sナォrah Yト《トォn. Then, as you see the word 窶廴ubin ルリィロ雇窶 which is repeated 6 times in [the Surah], ask God for your needs. Do the same at the end of the Surah. May God answer your prayers [and fulfil them].

Who was ハソAlトォ b. Mahziyト〉?

May 14, 2023 0

O, Alトォ! I tested you in following and performing orders, well-wishing, and advising (and you were successful in them.) Thus, if I say that I haven窶冲 seen anyone like you, it is not a lie! May God reward you with paradise and those high positions you do not know! I did not overlook your position and your services in the cold and the hot times.