Of the educational corruptions in The Last Era

October 22, 2019 0

[Many] people’s concern is their bellies and passions. Yet, they don’t care how they earn livelihood [is it legit or not], and how to calm the passion! They care about colorful foods and drinks. And they have got used to be proud of their clothes and ranks! They make firm and beautiful palaces, [but they] teach each other the absurd lessons!

The allegories and similes [made] to “Name MahdavÄ« booksâ€

October 22, 2019 0

Some Mahdavi books whose names are in the form of The allegories and similes, are as follows:

1-    “OsÄre ye- Khelqat†by Ayatullah JawÄdÄ« Amoli,

2-    “Negin e Āfarinesh†by a group of the authors,

3-    “Ākharin Omiid†by DÄwood ElhÄmi,


October 13, 2019 0

“They cost a lot, to censor Arba’een epic in the world. And this huge size of censorship is not normal!

Otherwise, if it were normal, it would be the biggest news in the world…

[Even] This subject is neglected in the Islamic Republic of Iran too;

No Pain, No Gain …

October 10, 2019 0

There is no doubt that the fulfilment of God’s promise –that the righteous will become the rulers of the earth – needs some prerequisite, so it will not be in vain!

One of that prerequisite was “Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh&h)”’s prophetic mission];

The Prophet(pbuh&h) endured all of those heavy persecution and annoyance during his 23 years of invitation, so that the righteous jurisdiction would be established…

September 24, 2019 0

Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.

Abu Basire1 has narrated from ImÄm SadÄ«q (pbuh), that His Excellency stated:

Worms or [in fact] Seditions

September 24, 2019 0

Imam Ali (pbuh) stated: “I give you an example; [imagine] an individual has some wheat. s/ he winnows them in order to sift and thresh, then s/ he stores the wheat in a room with doors closed…

After some times when s/ he opens the room, he finds out the wheat has been infested(with worms [The special worm, damaging wheat is called “weevilâ€!])

What you read are based on reliable AḥÄdÄ«th

September 7, 2019 0

The Divine Call1 will be heard, throughout the east and west of the world. It means, all the people of the world [will hear it]. More interesting, each one will hear it in their own mother tongue. It’s no matter to be far or near; they will hear it from faraway as like as from nearby.

How will we recognize The Divine Call [of Gabriel]?

September 7, 2019 0

[Once]They asked ImÄm SadÄ«q (pbuh), “Who can tell the true call from the fake [false], at that time?†The ImÄm (pbuh) “The people who narrate our AḥÄdÄ«th, will recognize it.â€

[It seems, The ImÄm (pbuh) showed The [right] Path through the above sentence. That is, you should either become one of the Hadith tellers and the scholars, or seek it from those people.]

Hard Weeping of Imam JawÄd (peace be upon him)

September 7, 2019 0

QÄʾim of us, Ahlulbayt is the very promised MahdÄ« (mgehr), whom must be looked forward to in his Occultation Era, and obeyed when he will emerge. He is the third offspring of my generation…