KarbalÄ is the bridge to The Emergence

February 11, 2025 0

ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh)’s uprising is not confined to a specific time and place.! While supporting Husayn ibn Ali (pbuh) meant, attending in ““Military Front of KarbalÄâ€â€, supporting Ḥujjat ibn al Haá¹£an [ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)] means, attending in the “The Soft Intellectual Cultural Frontâ€

The Helpers in AshurÄ didn’t fear from swords’ and spears’ wounds; so that, they even smiled at the face of martyrdom.

 Be prepared for [oncoming] calamity!

August 8, 2023 0

Yes, these messages have not only been for ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh)’s household but also for us!

Protect the religion of God; be sure God will protect you.

The most important message which is for all of us is:

Preserve your religion even in the worst conditions; God will definitely bless you.

The similarities between ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr) and ImÄm Husayn (pbuh)

August 6, 2023 0

Infact, The QÄ’im (mGehr)calls out his name* on the twenty-third night [of Ramadhan], and rises on the day of AshurÄ, the day Huá¹£ayn ibn AlÄ« (pbuh) was killed.

2- ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh)’ Rajʽa will be after MahdÄ« (mGehr)’s emergence:

According to many narrations, ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh) and his companions (mGbths) will Rajʽa [return] and help ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr), after the formation of the MahdavÄ« government.

Taking responsibility before WilÄya ‘s dutifulness.

January 25, 2023 0

We should take notice of the word responsibility, or taking responsibility, before the word obedience.

 Who will His Excellency give a command to? To the people who can take responsibility.

What is His Excellency’s most important command? Taking responsibility.

 If I cannot take any responsibility, the ImÄm will be left alone when he comes

Allegiance is not an easy matter

January 24, 2023 0

When you say “Labbayk YÄ á¸¤usayn (pbuh)â€; That means, ‘I am ready to help you’. Just as the martyrs of KarbalÄ, who helped AbÅ« Ê¿Abd AllÄh Ḥusayn (pbuh).

But, the helpers whom His Majesty ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr) wants, are different from the helpers of AbÅ« Ê¿Abd AllÄh Ḥusayn (pbuh); not in terms of rank and status, but in terms of function.

Sufyanī, After attacking Iraq   

December 1, 2019 0

According to an authentic hadith by ImÄm SadÄ«q (pbuh), ‘After SufyanÄ« occupies the safe zones [Damascus, Homs, Palestine, Chalcis ad Belum [in Halab]and Jordan], he will run for nine months…’ (Al- Ghaybah, TÅ«sÄ«, Ibid, 452)

At ImÄm Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s School

December 1, 2019 0

“To help the Imam (pbuh)”,

is the main lesson of this school… [the divine school]!

In the session “JÄmi’ah KabÄ«rah”1, the prayer doesn’t read “make me ready to help him”.

But it implies “I am ready to help you; you can count on me, [and] my help is ready for you …”

That is why in the session Ahad2, the ones who looks forward to the Emergence say chorally:

[The Relationship Between] Imam Huá¹£ayn (pbuh) and Ayyamu’llah1…

September 28, 2019 0

according to the narrations, there are three days interpreted as “AyyÄmu’llah”: The Emergence, RajÊ¿a2 and the doomsday. And in all these three days “Yawmu’ll Ḥusayn3″ is the centerpiece.

On the Emergence day, the slogan of Imam ZamÄn (mgehr)’s troops will be:” YÄ la-ThÄrÄt al-Ḥusayn4″

[and keep in mind that] in the time of Rajʿa, the first one who will return to the world is Imam Huṣayn (pbuh).

[Some notes about:] Of Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s generation

April 8, 2018 0

Ùˆ جَعَلَها Ú©Ù„Ùمَةً باقیَةً ÙÛŒ عَقÙبه٠لَعلَّهÙÙ… یَرجÙعون [زÙخرÙÙ/Û²Û¸]

And he left it as a Word to endure among those who came after him, that they may turn back (to Allah). (Holy Qur`an, Surah AZ-ZUKHRUF, verse 28)

The Worth of patience in looking forward to [The Emergence]

November 28, 2017 0

Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) stated:

“Of our family there will be twelve Mahdis (pbu th), whose first is Amir al-Mu`minin; Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) and the last is my ninth descendant.

He is the Imam [Mahdi (hgr)] who arises for truth [Qa`im (hgr)]

, God restores the earth to life after its death because of him (hgr), God dominates true religion on all religions by him (hgr)…