No body has ever told me,

Committing sins will darken my heart,

And since you are the brightest, you won’t stay in a dark house[ dark heart]..

Then, our hearts will be… ruins

Unless we repent and can welcome you again; since repention purifies hearts.

My heart as a teenager, was ready for sowing the seeds of love
But they haven’t alerted me, not to let every ignoble guy occupy you heart.
They didn’t inform us, that we are expected to find you in our heart, neither in Khazra Island nor Bermuda triangle,
They haven’t alerted us, not to make you leave our heart party.
Like when they asked the late Ayatollah Bahjat where you live,
He answered, ”The sir is in your heart, be aware, not to make him go!”

Don’t call “a heart”, the one which isn’t your host
It’s just mud, if not beet with your love