I am looking forward, and he was looking forward too!

I am looking forward [to the Emergence], and he [Sayyid Karim Mahmoudi] was looking forward too! [It means you can’t compare us. He was truly looking forward, but I just say, not act]

The late sir Sayyid Karim Mahmoudi; famous as “Sayyid Karim Kaffāsh [Kaffāsh means shoemaker]” lived in Tehran, around sixty years ago.

He had a stand of shoemaking and cobbling…

He [sometimes] had some specific [spiritual] moods!

[It] Has been quoted that, once he had the honor of visiting his majesty Wali ul- Asr1 [Imam Mahdi (hgr)]. And his majesty (hgr) showed him his [future] status in the heaven.

But he hastily asked, “Dear sir, are you there too?” His majesty (hgr) said, “No”.

[And] Sayyid Karim said, “Dear sir, then I don’t want there! How can I like being somewhere without you?! You are my heaven…

[They] asked, “Which city is the most pleasant of all [to you]?

S/ he replied, “The city where “the sweetheart” is there.


1-     It refers to the title of Imam Mahdi (hgr)’ s title” Imam Zaman.

The TV program “Samt-e Khoda”, Professor Ālee, 3/2/2014


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