ツツRequesting and seeking help from Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr)

In the book 窶廛af フ al Manト『ト”窶, Sayyid Hu盪」ayn Muftトォ Kurki who was well known as 窶彜ibt Muhaqqiq Thanトォ窶, narrated from the book 窶廝arト”トォn窶 as follows:

Abトォ 盧、amzah narrated from His Excellency Khト‥im (pbuh), that he stated, 窶連ll the angels who are sent by God to earth, for some affairs visit the Imト[ [Zamト] (mGehr)], at first. Then, they present our deeds to the Sir. In fact, he [Sト”ib al Amr (mGehr)]. is the cause of commuting angels from The Almighty God to him.

In addition, Abu al Wafト-e Shirト】トォ narrated that, the Messenger of God (pbuh&h) stated to him, 窶弩henever you feel trouble and miserable, request His Excellency Hujjah. He will save you; he is the rescuer and refuge for the ones who request him!窶

Moreover, in the book 窶廝a盪」ト¬セir窶, Shaykhayn Kashトォ and 盪「afar narrated from Ramallah that he mentioned:

Once at the time of Amトォr al Mu窶冦enin (pbuh), I had a high grade fever. It was Friday when I felt very weak. I thought to myself, 窶朗othing is better than taking a bath to Ghusl. Then, I will pray [Friday Prayer)] behind Imト[ Alトォ (pbuh).窶

Anyhow, I did so and came to the mosque. As Amトォr al Mu窶冦enin (pbuh) went up the pulpit, I felt I had a fever again. Well, Amトォr al Mu窶冦enin (pbuh) came down and entered Qasr after the prayer. So, I went to him to speak.

But [Surprisingly,] he stated, 窶楼, Ramilah! What窶冱 the matter? I saw your body members were shivering/restless!窶 I explained to him what happened and I decided to pray behind him. He stated, 窶楼, Ramilah! There is no faithful one who gets sick, except we will be sick because of them. Or if they get sad, we will be sad too. And if they pray to God, we will say Amin. And if they don窶冲 do anything, we will pray for them.


1-A, Qummi, Muntahトォ al 眄ケmト〕




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