O, God! We don’t like this life!

یا اÙیَهَا الَذینَ اَمَنوا آمÙنوا1

O you who believe! believe in [Allah]1…

یا Ø£ÛŒÙها الَذینَ آمَنوا توبوا2

O you who believe! turn to Allah a sincere turning; …

It connotes that, repent, go and repent! Ask God for forgiveness! O, God, we don’t like this life [the life which is passed, doing sins]! O, God, we don’t like this style of life! O, God, we don’t like these views, audible things, edible things, these jobs. [O, God, we don’t like] being so much idle and weak!

We like to be strong. The moment we face ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr), we desire to see his satisfied look! Nothing is worth as much as ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)’s satisfied look.

[He would state,] “Bravo, you have been a good child for me!â€

A “Bravo by ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)†is worth for an individual being tortured the whole life, to suffer, to struggle, to be restricted.

A “Single lookâ€, a single look by ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr), an affectionate look by ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr) is worthy [the following suffering]! Yes, when The ImÄm (mgehr) looks at you this way, it is like, you will be prosperous till God governs the word, till extreme.

Doesn’t a look [of him] is worth, making us to live on the right path? [Sure!] it is worth; it is worth a lot.

When ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr) is not satisfied, others’ satisfaction isn’t worth!

1-           Surah NisÄ, Verse 137

2-           Surah Taḥrīm, Verse 8


Professor: ShojÄii

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