other names for the promised saviour

Muḥammad b. ʿUthmān ʿAmrī has narrated, “When our Lord, his majesty Sāhib al Amr (mgehr) was born, the Excellency Imām Haṣan Askarī (pbuh) asked for my father and ordered [him] to deliver ten thousand rotls1 of bread, which is about thousand Mann2, and [also] ten thousand rotls of meat as almsgiving between Banū Hāshim and other of them, and to sacrifice many ships as ʿAqīqa3.


And the bondwomen of the Excellency Askarī (pbuh), Nasīm and Mārīya, have narrated, “When his majesty Qa’im (mgehr) was born, [he] sat down on his knees and pointed his Shahādatayn’s fingers4 to the sky, sneezed and then stated:

« اَلْحَمْدُللّهِ رَبِّ الْعالَمینَ وَ صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلى مُحَمَّد وَ آلِهِ »

’ All praise belongs to God, Lord of the Universe; and peace be upon Muhammad (pbu &h) and his family.’

Then he kept on, “The oppressors assumed that God’s Ḥujjat5 will not emerge. [But] If God permits me to talk, there will remains no doubt.”

And also Nasīm has narrated, ‘One night after the birth of his majesty, I was sitting in his presence. There, I sneezed. [his majesty] stated: “God bless you”. I became glad, [then] he stated: “ Would you like, I give you glad tiding about sneezing?”. I said yes. [Then] he stated, ‘It is a refuge from death, until three days’.

And about his majesty’s glorious names and titles; So know that our Sheykh, late Thiqat al-Islām6 Nourī (may God blesses him) has mentioned, one hundred and eighty-two names for his majesty in ‘Najm thāqib’. And here, for the blessing, we refer to some of them.

1-  «بَقِیَّةَ اللَّهِ »

The first, ‘Baqīyyatullāh’ (remainder of Allah):  It has been narrated that,

when his majesty emerges, he will turn his back to Kaʼbah. Then,

three hundred and thirteen men will gather [around him]. The first

thing that he states, is the following verse:

«بَقِيَّتُ اللَّهِ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ» 

“Baqīyyatullāh (What remains with Allah) is better for you, if you are

believers (9)”.

Then he will state, ‘I am Baqīyyatullāh and his [God]

Hujjat and his caliph for you. So no one will say just “hello” to him, but they say,

«السَّلاَمُ عَلَیْکَ یَا بَقِیَّةَ اللَّهِ فِی أَرْضِهِ»

“O’ Baqīyyatullāh on his earth. Peace be upon you (10)”.

2- «حجت »

The second, ‘Hujjat’: It is one of the famous titles of his majesty, which

in many prayers and narrations, he has been titled with it and

most of the narrators of Aḥādīth mentioned it. Although, other Imāms (pbu th)

share this title and all are Hujjats of God for the people, but it

specifically belongs to his majesty. Therefore, wherever this title is mentioned

with no background or in any certain case, it refers to his majesty.

Also, some have said that his majesty’s title is Hujjat-Allah which means,

God’s domination or kingdom on the creatures. It is because, both of

Them will happen through the Emergence of his majesty. In

Addition, the symbol of his majesty’s signet ring is ‘I am Hujjat-Allah’.(11)


3- «خـلف و خلف صالح»

the third is, Khalaf, “The Righteous Khalaf” (which is the consistent title, mentioned in the words of [12 infallible] Imāms (pbu th). By Khalaf, it means “The subsequent”. The Excellency [Mahdī (mgehr)] is, all prophets’ and their successors (pbu th)’ Khalaf. Also, he owned all divine knowledge, moods, features and inheritance, which were inherited between them, one after another. All of them were have been gathered in The Excellency.

In the famous Hadith on Devine Memory[7], which Jābir learnt by Sediqa Tahira[8][Her Excellency Fātimā (pbuh)], it was mentioned:


After describing ʻAskarī (pbuh), I will make it complete with his son Khalaf, who will be blessing for all the creatures in two worlds. He will have [the prophets (pbu th)’ features. like] Adam’s the most perfect elected, [prophet] Idrīs’s mercy, [prophet] Noah’s dignity, [prophet] Ibrāhīm’s forbearance, [prophet] Moses’s intensity, [prophet] Jesus’s value, and [prophet] Ayyub’s patience.

In Mafzal’s hadith additionally, this point was famous as following:

When The Excellency emerges, he will lean against Kaʼbah and state, ‘O, groups of creatures! Be aware, whoever likes to see Adam and Sayth, and…, looks at me now!’ And he will keep on telling the names of other prophets (pbu th) as: Noah, Sam [Samuel], Ibrāhīm, Ishmael, Moses, Yusha, Shamun, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh&h) and also the infallible Imāms (pbu th).


4- « شرید »

The fourth is, “Sharīd”, a title which has been frequently used in the words of [infallible] Imāms, especially his majesty Amir al-Mu’minin (pbuh) and the Excellency [Imām] Bāqir (pbuh).

“Sharīd” means expelled. It is used to denote the perverted the people who neither have known his Excellency, nor his blessing existence. Also, they were not grateful about him and did not fulfill his right.

Rather, after disappointing his majesty; since the beginning, they intended to overcome and dominate his Excellency, murder and suppress his pure descendants, and tried to deny him and remove [his affection] from hearts. They did it by means of words and writings. And they provided [the fake] evidence of his non- existance and denial of his birth, so they removed his memories from [some people]’s minds.

As in this regard, his majesty stated to Ibrāhīm ibn Ali ibn Mahziār al-Ahvāzī:

My father advised me, not to have a house on the earth [anywhere], except a place where is more hidden and far from all other places. [That is] to keep your goals and save your place from the deception of depraved people.

He ended with,’My father stated to me: “O’ my son! You may take the hidden place of the earth and have the furthest of them; because, for every guardian of the Almighty God, there are enemies and contentious oppositions. (13)

1.      A unit of weight used in some Moslem countries near the Mediterranean; varies between one and five pounds.

2.      A traditional unit of weight used in Iran; has a different value in each city. But normally each Mann is about eighteen kilograms.

3.      An Islamic tradition of the sacrifice of an animal on the occasion of a child’s birth, o protect the baby from possible sufferings and troubles.

4.      The forefinger

5.      Ḥujjat means, proofs and reason. And God has granted two proofs for man; one is the inner prophet which is the very wisdom, and the other is real prophets as: The prophets, messengers and the imams (pbu th). Here, by the Hujjat we mean Imams (pbu th).

6.      A general respectful title for some Imami scholars

7.      Its is a protected page in which, all the events of the universe were recorded

8.      This is one of Her Excellency Fatima (pbuh)’s titles. It means, the faithful virtuous.