Amīr al-Mu’menīn ‘Ali (pbuh) said,
Indeed, my eleventh son is Mahdi (mgehr) who will fill the earth with justice and equity; as it was filled with injustice and oppression.
*السلام علی العدل المشتهر*
Peace be upon the most well-known justice [The one who handles justice in the best ever known way].
Imam Ṣādīq Āl Ṭāhā (pbuh) said,
When his majesty Qā’im [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)] emerges, God will revive the earth by him; after it [the earth] is dead due to misleading rulers’ injustice and oppression.
The need for justice is an innate need.
God has referred to “Establishing justice”, as one of prophets (pbu th)’ purposes.
But this event will be performed by one and only Imam Mahdī (mgehr), in a world-wide and extended way.
Al-Kāfī, V.1, P.338
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