The Class

April 27, 2019 0

Two things are observed in a class:First is a teacher, and second is a book.If a student has the book but not the teacher, s/ he won’t understand the lesson.Furthermore, if there is the teacher but not the book, the teacher can’t teach well.

I cannot name him “leader”…

February 23, 2019 0

I cannot name [Imam MahdÄ« (mgehr) “A leader”; he is greater than it!

[Also]I cannot say he is the first person, because there won’t be any second!

We cannot interpret him easily in any way, except “The Promised MahdÄ« (mgehr)”. He is the one whom God has saved for the humans.

What about your untold [words]?

February 15, 2019 0

Those are the words of ʾAmīr al Mu’menīn (pbuh) who stated:

[Once] in the last hours of the Prophet (pbuh&h)’s blessed life, he asked for me.

[Then] he taught me and the knowledge and Divine mysteries;

each one lead me to other thousand mysterious.