Hakim Sabzevari (death 1289 AH):
When two things are extremely far and different on the rank point of view (such as God who is in the highest position vs. the world which is in a very low rank),
There needs for intermediates, in order for the low rank to contact the high.
Like âsunlightâ, which is an intermediary between the fireball of the sun and the cold globe of the earth.
In other words, there should be affinity and relation between the power and the worthy.
Otherwise, everything could bring about other things!
[For example], heat could be generated from water, and cold from fire!
Apart from all, God is in ultimate sanctity and purity
Whereas, the terrestrial world is very low ranked.
Therefore, an intermediary is needed to provide contacts for this world;
The contacts which are both divine and material types.
Yes, He [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)] is the intermediate of this beneficence.
AsrÄr al-áž„ekam, P. 83
LotfÄ«, âRational and narrative reasons of Imamate and MahdÄ«smâ, P.79
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