Whoever sees small sufferings as big, will be affected by big sufferings

Imām Alī (pbuh): Whoever sees small sufferings as big, will be affected by big sufferings

Amīr al Mu’menin (pbuh) stated,

مَن عظَّم صغارَ المصائبِ ابتلاهُ اللهُ بِکِبارِها

(Nahj al Balāghah, Sermon 448)

“Whoever sees small sufferings as big, big sufferings will affect them.”

If we observe our troubles carefully, we will realize it could be worse than it! This type of view can even make humans thank God!

What if we can deal with problems, in a more mannish way and also friendlier?  We should not consider calamity as God’s enmity with us, but we should see God’s affection in those calamities.

Who stated,

کُن بِالبَلاءِ محبورا و بالمَکارهِ َمسرُورا

(Ghurar al Hikam/ 7146)

“Be happy and joyful, while you endure calamities and difficulties.”

Well, it’s a little difficult to consider the calamity as God’s affection for humans! Even in the Qur’an, God’s affection is realized in a little hard way!

Imām Ṣādiq (pbuh) stated,

القُرانُ کلّه تفریع وباطِنُهُ تَقرِیب

(Jāme ̓ al Khabar/ 232)

“The entire Qur’an is a reminder and its innermost meaning is a closer one.”

And it refers to what Imām Ṣādiq (pbuh) stated. It connotes that, the appearance of the Qur’an is a bit bitter. But when you think a little, you will see that God loves everyone




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