“Hard events of futureâ€

March 30, 2019 0

I see [spiritual sight] as if, a very misled is roaring in Sham, rushing, and installing his own flag around KÅ«fah. After he opens his mouth, he will violate and then overcame.

The Emergence certainly happens.

March 16, 2019 0

Be aware!Tomorrow, – the day which will definitely come and you do not have any knowledge of it_ the guardian and ruler [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)] will denounce [some of] the agents of the government for their actions, then punish them.

 A deep and memorable call for help

March 16, 2019 0

Finally, I want to address our guardian and our protector, BaqÄ«yyatullÄh: [Imam MahdÄ« (May our souls be sacrificed for him)]O, our Sayyid [~sir]! O, our guardian! We will do whatever we are supposed to, also we said and will say whatever we are expected to!

Natural Flower

March 15, 2019 0

People usually use artificial flowers, because sometimes they do not have access to the natural flower.Or some babies who cannot be fed by their mothers’ breast, have to suck nursing bottles.The ones who haven’t experienced true perfections, will fall in love with others [the ordinary people].

Most wars happen before the Emergence…

March 15, 2019 0

In the future, the war will intensively flare and burn. Also it will be entirely red in tooth and claw.

Having the breasts full of milk, it will reach to its peak. [Here, the war is considered to be a wild, four- legged animal]

Yet it first seems nice;

You and the stone!

March 2, 2019 0

If someone tells you, “I love you and the stone”, he has just insulted you!â€[Or] if he says, “I have cooked this food for both you and the catâ€, it is an insult too.

Even amongst clergy men, there are disreputable people

March 1, 2019 0

Even amongst clergy men, there are disreputable people; we do not deny it! The disreputable are everywhere; amongst Islamic clergies, businessmen, academic ones, armies, and different organs.There are some people amongst clergies, who have bitten the hand that feeds them [Imam ZamÄn [Imam MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s hand], and have opposed the path of the Imam ZamÄn (mgehr). There are such people. We do not deny it!