Ḥojjat Al- Islame1 Panāhiān:
The call of Arbaˈeen2 has reached to that side of the world too. About the Arbaˈeen Walk, in some of the articles_ like the Independent and some of the others_ they read, “If you like to know the true Islām, set off to Arbaˈeen Walk [or go and closely observe it].”
When Hurricane Katrina happened, the USA government gave 4 million servings [to the stricken]. But in Arbaˈeen 200 million servings has been distributed [to the walkers], which are all granted by the benefactors!
1- Ḥojjat Al- Islām is an honorific title for Shi’a scholars which means, “authority on Islām” or “proof of Islām”.
2- Arbaˈeen pilgrimage is the world’s largest annual public gathering that is hold every year in Karbalā, Iraq at the end of the 40- day mourning period following Ashura, the religious ritual for the commemoration of martyrdom of Imām Huṣayne (pbuh).
Collection date:
11/ 5/ 2016
1- Bayān- e- Zohour.
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