To understand the titer, notice the following narration:
Once Imam Sādiq (pbuh) asked “Hishām ibn Ḥakam”,
“Tell me how you debate Amroo ibnʿUbayd?”
Hishām reacted,
“I am ashamed of you,
and I can’t speak by your greatness !!”
The Imam (pbuh) stated,
“You must promptly obey, whenever we give you a command.”
Hishām said:
Once I heard, Amroo ibnʿUbayd collected a group in [the old] mosque Baṣrah.
And he started distracting them from wilāyah [Imamate]
So I set off Baṣrah, in order to debate with him.
To do this, first I attended in his teaching session and listened to his words.
[There], the people started gazing at me.
Finally, I broke the silence and asked him,
‘O, the scholar! I am a stranger [here]!
Will you let me ask you some questions?’
Amroo said, ‘No problem! Ask me’
Hishām: ‘Do you have eyes?’
Amroo: ‘My son! What a question it is!
Why do you ask about something you can see?’
Hishām: ‘My questions are of this type!’
‘Amr: [Well] no problem ask me,
though your questions are stupid!!
Hishām: ‘Now, answer to my questions. Do you have eyes?’
‘Amr: ‘Yes!’
Hishām: ‘How do you use them?’
‘Amr: ‘I can see the people by them,
and make things and colors apart.’
Hishām: ‘Do you have a nose?’
In the name of God, the Lord of Merci, the Compassionate
‘Amr answered, ‘Yes, I do.’
Hishām asked, ‘What is its usage for you?’
‘Amr answered, ‘I can smell odors.’
Hishām asked, ‘Do you have a mouth?’
‘Amr answered, ‘Yes!’
Hishām asked, ‘What do you use it for?”
‘Amr said, ‘I use it to taste foods.’
Hishām asked, ‘Do you have ears, as well?’
‘Amr answered, ‘Yes, I do.’
Hishām asked, ‘What do you use your ears for?’
‘Amr said, “I use it to hear sounds.”
Hishām asked, ‘And finally, do you have intellect as well?’
‘Amr answered, ‘Yes!’
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Hishām: What are the heart and wisdom for?
‘Amr: I use them (The heart and wisdom) to detect errors, if those senses make mistakes,
Hishām: Are not these senses independent of the heart?
‘Amr: No!
Hishām: How does it come while all your organs are healthy?
‘Amr: O, my son!
Sometimes body organs make mistakes for example; in tasting, seeing, smelling or hearing.
There one should refer to the heart, to save from doubt and doubles.
Hishām: So God has gifted the heart to prevent the mistakes of the organs, hasn’t he?
‘Amr: Yes!
Hishām: O, ‘Aba Marwan (Amr’s nickname)! God has gifted people the heart, as the leader and Imam to prevent the errors of the five senses.
[Now] has not God appointed Imams and leaders to the whole human society, to avoid errors, mistakes and intellectual deviations?!
‘Amr became silence, while he was stunned and unable to answer! [1]
Yes! As the heart coordinates all organs of the body and it is the center of management and the power processor of the body,
Imam manages the affairs on behalf of God, and collects all the dispersed parts of the universe. Imam also takes care of the affairs of God and disposes all the dispersed parts of the universe.
In the prayer of Nudba, it reads: أَیْنَ مُؤَلِّفُ شَمْلِ الصَّلاحِ وَ الرِّضا؟
It means:
Where is the one reunifying the dispersed parts of uprightness and contentment?
1- Uṣūl al-Kāfī, Vol.1, P. 171-169