In the name of God, the most compassionate, the merciful
Oh God! I seek your refuge indeed, the day when neither wealth nor children will be of benefit, except for those who meet You with a benign heart; and I beseech your protection the day when the cruel bites both his hands in regret, wishing to have chosen the right path with the prophet;
and I seek your refuge the day when the sinners are revealed by their face and are taken by their forehead and feet;
and I ask for your protection the day when neither children nor parents are to be punished for each otherâs deeds (not even a bit).
Indeed Godâs promise is true. And I seek your refuge when apology of the cruel is to no avail (not accepted). So theirs are damnation and hell.
And I ask for your protection when no one has the hold of anything for anyone and God is the only one who holds sway and orders; and I ask for your protection when one escapes from their brother, mother, father, spouse, and children, for each one of them, there is an entitled degree that day;
and I ask for your protection when the sinner prefers to sacrifice his son, spouse, brother and closest and dearest relatives and everybody else on the earth to escape his punishments. Never! Indeed Godâs punishment is blazing flames of fire that burns away body skin!
Oh my God! You are my Lord and I am your servant and who would have mercy on servant except for the lord? Lord oh my lord! You are the owner and I belong to you and who can be kind to the owned except the owner? Lord oh my lord! You are the honored and I am the contemptible and who would be kind to the contemptible except for the honored? God oh my lord! You are the creator and I am your creature and who would have mercy on a creature except for the creator?
God oh my God! You are glorious and I am not a thing and who will have mercy on the diminutive except the glorious? God oh my lord! You are almighty and I am weak and who would be clement to the weak except the almighty? Lord oh my lord! You are rich and I am poor and who will help the poor except the rich?
God oh my God! You are the bestower and I am the beggar and who would help the beggar except the bestower?
Oh my God! You are the alive and I am the dead and who will have mercy on the dead except the alive? Lord oh my lord! You are immortal and I am mortal and who can be kind to the mortal except the immortal? God oh my lord! You are eternal and I am ephemeral and who would have mercy on the ephemeral except for the eternal?
God oh my God! You are the provider, the feeder and I am the one you feed and who will help the recipient except the provider?
God oh my God! You are generous and I am frugal and who will have mercy on the frugal except the generous?
God oh my God! You are the healer and I am ailing and who would help the ailing except the healer? Lord oh my lord! You are great and I am small and who will be kind to the small except for the great? God oh my lord! You are the guide and I am the lost and who can help the lost except for the guide?
God oh my God! You are the compassionate and I am the one who receives your mercy and if not you, then who would caress me by kindness? Lord oh my lord! You are the king and I have sustained different misfortunes and who would help the examinee except the king? God oh my lord! You are the reason and guide and I am bewildered and who can help the bewildered except the guide?
My God oh my God! You are the forgiving and I am the sinner and who would have mercy on the sinner except the forgiving? Lord oh my lord! You are the dominant and I am the submissive and who will have mercy on the submissive except for the dominant? God oh my lord! You are the raiser and I am the raised (under your mercy) and who would have help the raised except the raiser?
Lord oh my God! You are so glorious and high and I am humble and who will have mercy on the humble except for the glorious?
God oh my God! Please have mercy on me by your eternal benevolence; and be satisfied with me by your generosity and forgiveness; you the source of all benevolence, bestowing, and compassion.
Hoping for your mercy⌠You the kindest of allâŚ
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