The miracle of Surah Yāsīn and Imām Zamān (mGehr)

May 14, 2023 0

[Once] a servant of God [people] who lived in Yazd, had a hard problem. Meanwhile, he had the honor of visiting His Excellency Sāhib al Zamān (mGehr), but he couldn’t recognize the Imām!! Anyhow, the Excellency stated:

Recite Sūrah Yāsīn. Then, as you see the word “Mubin مبین” which is repeated 6 times in [the Surah], ask God for your needs. Do the same at the end of the Surah. May God answer your prayers [and fulfil them].

Who was ʿAlī b. Mahziyār?

May 14, 2023 0

O, Alī! I tested you in following and performing orders, well-wishing, and advising (and you were successful in them.) Thus, if I say that I haven’t seen anyone like you, it is not a lie! May God reward you with paradise and those high positions you do not know! I did not overlook your position and your services in the cold and the hot times.

The Spirit Of Looking Forward To The Emergence

May 14, 2023 0

When you woke up this morning and said the dawn prayer, were you looking forward to hearing the charming call of “Oh, people of the world!”.  What does the spirit of looking forward to the Emergence mean?; It means, you look forward to hearing the call of “Oh, people of the world!”.

Visiting Imām Zamān (mGehr) by the scholar Baḥr al Ulum

May 14, 2023 0

One day Baḥr al Ulum accompanied the people who were beating their chests, along with some of his [religious] students. All of a sudden, the scholar Baḥr al Ulum was a great source of imitation in religious matters. left his turban and Arabian cloak on the ground and went into the mourning crowd, with the bare head and feet. He started beating on his head and chest, like other people who were beating on their chests. His students tried a lot to prevent him from that great suffering, but he didn’t let them!

The Unseen Army of Imām Zamān (mGehr)

May 14, 2023 0

  You have experienced protests, haven’t you? There, the faithful people come to the street, see each other and wonder, ‘O, friend! What a big crowd! Where have they been?! So many covered women! So many revolutionary people!

It’s like the event of December 30th [2010]. There are forty years, that this event is repeated! Well, apart from these years of corona which banned the protests in some ways, each time the people see each other they wonder, ‘Really!’

The very Soft war

May 14, 2023 0

[We need] an army of twenty million men!

One day, I started talking to my friends about Arbaʽeen and I kept on, “How similar this point is to the Imam’s statement! In fact, not only it [Arbaʽeen] is an army of twenty million men, but also it formed an army of thirty million men. Keep it serious.

Allegiance is not an easy matter

May 14, 2023 0

Behaving according to the phrase “Labbayk Yā Mahdī (mgehr)”1 is much harder than the phrase “Labbayk Yā Ḥusayn (pbuh)”

When you say “Labbayk Yā Ḥusayn (pbuh)”; That means, ‘I am ready to help you’. Just as the martyrs of Karbalā, who helped Abū ʿAbd Allāh Ḥusayn (pbuh).

Be prepared for the disaster

May 14, 2023 0

I like you to say such, ‘I saw nothing but beauty’

That message is not [just] for Imām Ḥusayn ’s (pbuh) wife and children, that message is for us.  Guard the religion of God and know that, God will be your guardian. The most important message for all of us is, “Stand by your religion in the worst situation”.

How do Iran react to?

May 14, 2023 0

In one of the verses in Qurʾān “Isrāʼ”, it connotes that, when our [stated by God] deadline about Zionists is over, we will Mab’uth [rise] some servants of God who are very strong humans. They will take each Zionists out of their houses one by one. Then they will avenge and perish them!

The goodness of the Last Era

February 2, 2023 0

When wickedness increases in the Last Era; well, you can say that goodness also increases. It is foolish that an individual just sees one side of a fact, and leaves the other side. Rather, it is wise to see both sides.