The Worth of patience in looking forward to [The Emergence]

November 28, 2017 0

Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) stated:

“Of our family there will be twelve Mahdis (pbu th), whose first is Amir al-Mu`minin; Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) and the last is my ninth descendant.

He is the Imam [Mahdi (hgr)] who arises for truth [Qa`im (hgr)]

, God restores the earth to life after its death because of him (hgr), God dominates true religion on all religions by him (hgr)…

Where should we start?

November 28, 2017 0

For researching and reasoning in the principle of Imāmate, we must first know God and His Prophet [Muhammad (Pbuh&h)]

As they are the prerequisites for the discussion of Imamate.

Therefore, the texts which are loaded with the subject of “rational proofs of Imamate and [Shiite] Messianic”,

Are following: Monotheism, resurrection, prophecy, and divine justice). It means, one is expected to have researched, understood and accepted these truths, in advance

 The Bests of the Field…    

November 28, 2017 0

If someone doesn’t know [how to play] soccer,

Neither the national team, nor the low rated teams will admit him [to be a member of]!

Only those who are head and shoulders above the others [in soccer], will be invited to the national team or the great (top rated) teams.

Seeking the Savior in other doctrines

October 24, 2017 0

Apart from: Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Hinduism and also, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, there are other doctrines which confirm “The Savior”. They are as: Confucianism, Daoism [Taoism], Manichaeism, etc.

The Old books of Sunnites, on the theme of Imam Mahdi (hgr)

October 24, 2017 0

A lot of Sunni scholars have written books regarding Imam Mahdi (hgr).

For example, the first one who wrote an independent book about Imam Mahdi (hgr)

was “Ibād ibn Ya’qūb Rawajati”.

His book is “Akhbār Al-Mahdi”.

He lived in Imam Askari (pbuh)’s lifetime,

Is this thirst fake?! [The thirst to peace and justice]

October 24, 2017 0

While there are many differences in people and nation’s ways of thoughts and customs,

they are unexceptionally fond of these two: Love for peace and love for justice.

Hasn’t it always been the case that, our thirst means there is somewhere water?!

The Celestial call in Qur’an 1

October 23, 2017 0

Abdulrahman said, “I told Imam Sadiq (pbuh)

‘Enemies blame and call us; liars!”

[When] we say; there are two voices from the sky,

They react, ‘If both of them are from sky, so how are the call of truth and the call of falsehood descriminized?

The Imam (pbuh) stated, ‘What did you reply?’

Time of the Emergence [of Imam Mahdi (hgr)] in Qur’an

October 23, 2017 0

[Regarding the Emergence] Mufazzal1 said:

[Once] I asked my lord; Imam Sadiq (pbuh),

‘Does the Awaited Imam; Mahdi (hgr)’s mission have certain time, and should people know that?”

The Imam (pbuh) stated, “Never does God determine his emergence time such that our Shiites know that!

Command to look forward to the Emergence in Qur’an

October 23, 2017 0

…فَانْتَظِرُوا إِنِّي مَعَكُمْ مِنَ الْمُنْتَظِرِينَ [اعراف/۷۱]

…then wait: I am amongst you, also waiting.” (The holy Quran, Surah AL-ARAF, Verse 71)

Imam Riḍā (pbuh) stated:

How pleasant is patience and looking forward to the Emergence!